# Gavin Andresen # 2010-10-19 18:43:47 # https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1509.msg17642#msg17642 Bitcoin version (svn revision 168) adds the -testnet option to bitcoin/bitcoind, for testing or experimentation with worthless bitcoins on the TEST payment network. @p{par} This version is compatible with my old compile-time test network patch. Stuff you aught to know as you run this: @p{par} @p{(li}A -testnet bitcoin will use the same bitcoin.conf file as regular bitcoin (unless overridden with the -conf= switch).@p{li)} @p{(li}The -testnet data directory is a "testnet" subdirectory in the regular data directory.@p{li)} @p{(li}A -testnet bitcoin listens for connections on ports 8333/8332, just like regular bitcoin, so you @p{(it}cannot@p{it)} run both -testnet and regular bitcoin at the same time on one machine.@p{li)} @p{(li}You can get play bitcoins from the TEST faucet at @s{(link)}@p{li)} @p{(li}testnet bitcoin addresses will not work on the regular bitcoin network, so it is impossible to accidently try to send real bitcoins to test address. However, regular bitcoin addresses @p{(it}are@p{it)} valid testnet addresses; it is possible to try to send testnet bitcoins to a regular bitcoin address (they will effectively be lost if you do that).@p{li)} @p{brk} This will be very useful for anybody creating a web-based bitcoin service. You should be able to run bitcoind with the -testnet switch and no code changes to test your service with pretend, instead of real, bitcoins. @p{brk}