# Gavin Andresen # 2010-12-23 13:52:10 # https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2404.msg32713#msg32713 @s{quotedtext} @s{quotedtext} @p{brk} If you expect a one-to-one relationship between transactions and bitcoin addresses, then yes, a multisend will be a problem for you. @p{par} If I were implementing the anonymous fund-with-a-bitcoin-address system, I would do something like: @p{par} Customer "Ed" gives a "send winnings to address"@p{--} lets say it just happens to be 1Ed.... @p{brk} Casino gives a funding address @p{--} lets call that address 1fundEd... @p{par} Casino creates an account named "1Ed..." and associates it with address 1fundEd. @p{brk} So any coins Ed sends to 1fundEd.... go into the 1Ed... account. @p{par} When Ed wants to place a bet, casino checks to see if he has money: getbalance 1Ed.... @p{brk} If he does, he can place a bet. @p{brk} If he wins, casino sends money: @p{brk} move BANK 1Ed... @p{lt}amount Ed won above his bet@s{gt} @p{brk} sendfrom 1Ed... 1Ed.... @p{lt}amount Ed won@s{gt} # Account name and cash-out address are the same. @p{brk} If he loses: @p{brk} move 1Ed... BANK @p{lt}amount Ed lost@s{gt} @p{par} listtransactions is for showing Ed a detailed list of what happened to his account. @p{brk}