# Gavin Andresen # 2011-09-16 22:10:22 # https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=44145.msg529690#msg529690 sendfrom needs the minconf to know if it should fail because of too few confirmed coins in the account. @p{par} move used to need minconf for essentially the same reason, but as of (some release in the past) it always succeeds. @p{brk} E.g. if account A has 5 0-confirmation bitcoins and 5 1-confirmation bitcoins then: @p{brk} move "A" "B" 10 @p{brk} ... used to fail, because A's 1-confirmation balance was only 5. @p{par} Now it will succeed, giving it a -5 one-confirmation balance. move "A" "B" 100 will also now always succeed, making A's balance go negative. @p{brk}