# Gavin Andresen # 2012-05-07 18:04:24 # https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=80019.msg886899#msg886899 Testing changes to Bitcoin-Qt continues to be a chronic problem, and as alternative implementations of Bitcoin start to mature testing to make sure that they interoperate correctly and don't harm the network will become a big problem. @p{par} Therefore, I'm creating a decentralized, transparent organization using the @p{(link}BetterMeans@p{link)} system. I'll need help from people willing to be fundraisers, testers, project managers, toolmakers, troll-catchers, etc. @p{par} I'll create and hold a secure wallet that will be used for donations (at least until the project gets mature enough to turn over that responsibility to somebody else), but we'll use the BetterMeans "Credits" system so that everybody working on the project collaboratively decides who gets what, and what the priorities aught to be. @p{par} So: it is easy to talk about stuff like this, who's willing to help make it happen? Send me an email at @p{(link}gavinandresen@gmail.com@p{link)} if this sounds like a project you'd like to help with, describing what you think the highest priorities for the project aught to be, how you could contribute, how much time you could contribute per week, and any relevant prior experience. @p{brk}