# Gavin Andresen # 2012-06-25 00:35:30 # https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=89725.msg987757#msg987757 My work on the @p{(link}'raw transaction'@p{link)} API has me thinking hard about the gettransaction/getblock RPC calls. I want it to be easy for the information returned by those calls to be used by the new createrawtx/etc API calls. @p{par} So: in version 0.6.3 and earlier, gettransaction would only return information about transactions in your wallet, and would not return all of the information about the transaction. @p{par} A month or two ago Pieter and Luke wrote code to modify gettransaction/getblock to return information about any transaction in the blockchain and a new 'decompositions' Object argument was added to those RPC calls that would let you specify 5 different ways to get information about transaction inputs and outputs (no/hash/hex/asm/obj). So you might do: @p{brk} Code: gettransaction 0e3e2357e806b6cdb1f70b54c3a3a17b6714ee1f0e68bebb44a74b1efd512098 '{"script":hex}' @p{brk} I think 5 different ways of getting (or not getting if you specify 'no') the information is 4 too many, so I'm modifying the code as follows: @p{brk} @p{(li}getblock doesn't change from version 0.6; it returns a list of transaction id's in a "tx" Array.@p{li)} @p{(li}gettransaction gets an extra boolean argument that defaults to 0 (false). If non-zero is passed, then it is verbose and outputs information about the transaction inputs and outputs in all the different formats (same as what decomposition "obj" does).@p{li)} @p{(li}for compatibility with the 'raw transaction' API calls, gettransaction always return the full serialized-hex-encoded transaction data as a new "rawtx" field.@p{li)} The thinking is either RPC users will want minimal information quickly, or will want full information and won't care much if they get extra information. If you want full information as quickly as possible, then you should write code to decode the "rawtx" array yourself. @p{par} This does mean getting full information for every transaction in a block means more than one RPC call, but Jeff has a pull request for JSON-2.0 "batch" calls, so getting full information about every transaction in a block will be just two RPC round-trips (one getblock, then one batch with a bunch of gettransaction calls in it). @p{par} And to be clear: these changes are meant to be 100% backwards-compatible with getblock/gettransaction in version 0.6.3 and earlier. We're talking about extra arguments and extra information in the returned JSON objects. @p{par} @p{hrule} Example output for a complicated multisignature testnet transaction: @p{par} Short, in-wallet transaction: Code: $ ./bitcoind -testnet gettransaction 4ec492788efb3c9e4e23972f095bd575217288c9f6b8237922145aeff8dae8d5 @p{brk} { @p{brk} "rawtx" : "0100000001c6660657eb258f9e58d246d767f5aaa15980d4d26ee496e7e24fabf72f2cc3440000000048473044022026b2e3d408a7848ad18b35042163c0efb358c456c6006a0cd13c077ec213aeab02202115a38de465e0c927f858cbb83fca45bddb0e469524667e39fd0c54ab5007d701ffffffff0100f2052a0100000017a914b6cb85e6fa58b2bff3da23074eb0f1a0ddb23e1f8700000000", @p{brk} "amount" : -50.00000000, @p{brk} "fee" : 0.00000000, @p{brk} "confirmations" : 2, @p{brk} "blockhash" : "0000000003abdd41db27190bb4f19e36497f647d1ea586ef543c44f7ccd40015", @p{brk} "blockindex" : 1, @p{brk} "txid" : "4ec492788efb3c9e4e23972f095bd575217288c9f6b8237922145aeff8dae8d5", @p{brk} "time" : 1339001503, @p{brk} "details" : [ @p{brk} { @p{brk} "account" : "", @p{brk} "address" : "2N9uknE7Zy9M3cPxWvkHu9HQiArL3pnbcUF", @p{brk} "category" : "send", @p{brk} "amount" : -50.00000000, @p{brk} "fee" : 0.00000000 @p{brk} } @p{brk} ] @p{brk} } @p{brk} Verbose: @p{brk} Code: $ ./bitcoind -testnet gettransaction 4ec492788efb3c9e4e23972f095bd575217288c9f6b8237922145aeff8dae8d5 1 @p{brk} { @p{brk} "rawtx" : "0100000001c6660657eb258f9e58d246d767f5aaa15980d4d26ee496e7e24fabf72f2cc3440000000048473044022026b2e3d408a7848ad18b35042163c0efb358c456c6006a0cd13c077ec213aeab02202115a38de465e0c927f858cbb83fca45bddb0e469524667e39fd0c54ab5007d701ffffffff0100f2052a0100000017a914b6cb85e6fa58b2bff3da23074eb0f1a0ddb23e1f8700000000", @p{brk} "version" : 1, @p{brk} "locktime" : 0, @p{brk} "vin" : [ @p{brk} { @p{brk} "prevout" : { @p{brk} "hash" : "44c32c2ff7ab4fe2e796e46ed2d48059a1aaf567d746d2589e8f25eb570666c6", @p{brk} "n" : 0 @p{brk} }, @p{brk} "scriptSig" : { @p{brk} "asm" : "3044022026b2e3d408a7848ad18b35042163c0efb358c456c6006a0cd13c077ec213aeab02202115a38de465e0c927f858cbb83fca45bddb0e469524667e39fd0c54ab5007d701", @p{brk} "hex" : "473044022026b2e3d408a7848ad18b35042163c0efb358c456c6006a0cd13c077ec213aeab02202115a38de465e0c927f858cbb83fca45bddb0e469524667e39fd0c54ab5007d701", @p{brk} "type" : "pubkey", @p{brk} "addresses" : [ @p{brk} "n4DUWe93vkdfAiSVDaMP3okaU7upK2wtrr" @p{brk} ] @p{brk} }, @p{brk} "sequence" : 4294967295 @p{brk} } @p{brk} ], @p{brk} "vout" : [ @p{brk} { @p{brk} "value" : 50.00000000, @p{brk} "scriptPubKey" : { @p{brk} "asm" : "OP_HASH160 b6cb85e6fa58b2bff3da23074eb0f1a0ddb23e1f OP_EQUAL", @p{brk} "hex" : "a914b6cb85e6fa58b2bff3da23074eb0f1a0ddb23e1f87", @p{brk} "reqSigs" : 1, @p{brk} "type" : "scripthash", @p{brk} "addresses" : [ @p{brk} "2N9uknE7Zy9M3cPxWvkHu9HQiArL3pnbcUF" @p{brk} ] @p{brk} } @p{brk} } @p{brk} ], @p{brk} "amount" : -50.00000000, @p{brk} "fee" : 0.00000000, @p{brk} "confirmations" : 2, @p{brk} "blockhash" : "0000000003abdd41db27190bb4f19e36497f647d1ea586ef543c44f7ccd40015", @p{brk} "blockindex" : 1, @p{brk} "txid" : "4ec492788efb3c9e4e23972f095bd575217288c9f6b8237922145aeff8dae8d5", @p{brk} "time" : 1339001503, @p{brk} "details" : [ @p{brk} { @p{brk} "account" : "", @p{brk} "address" : "2N9uknE7Zy9M3cPxWvkHu9HQiArL3pnbcUF", @p{brk} "category" : "send", @p{brk} "amount" : -50.00000000, @p{brk} "fee" : 0.00000000 @p{brk} } @p{brk} ] @p{brk} } @p{brk} @p{hrule} The only feature that bothers me is reporting 'addresses/type' for transaction inputs. It bothers me for two reasons: @p{par} 1) It is expensive to fetch that data, because it means finding the previous transaction in the blockchain and fetching it from disk. It violates the principle that "a feature shouldn't cost you anything if you're not using it." @p{par} 2) If "we" implement spent-input pruning (Pieter has some fantastic early results) that data might not exist. @p{par} I think it would be better to remove the 'addresses/type' information from gettransaction output, so gettransaction never has to lookup previous transactions. @p{par} If you care about the previous transaction, then you would have to call gettransaction again, using vin.prevout.hash to look them up (and, again, using the JSON-2.0 'batch' feature to lookup all the prior transactions in one RPC roundtrip). @p{par} If/when transaction pruning happens then the semantics are clear: that gettransaction would return an error if the prior transaction was pruned.