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421  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: May 07, 2014, 10:14:08 PM
I just lost some time looking at that, explain it to me
The file is nothing complicated.  Each line is a trade on the exchange, as reported by's chart (lower right corner). The columns are date, time, the price in CNY (yuan), and the amont of BTC traded.

That data may be useful to people who find such data useful.  Grin  E. g. to compute trades per minute, average transaction size, etc..

I still don't know of any place that offers such logs for download.  One could get them throgh the charting API, I suppose, but that requires some programming anyway; maybe I will do that some day, hopefully before Huobi closes for good.   Copy-paste from the chart seems simpler for short samples.
422  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: May 07, 2014, 10:04:08 PM
Needless to say, most of those "advantages" are killer disadvantages to most people (and to all governments, including highly democratic ones).  Like "there are no age requirements" --- guess who wanted those reqirements in the first place.

Others are demonstrably false or misleading, eg. "it is more difficult to be used as surveillance", "it can be used to resist corruption",  "it can be extremely hard to steal", "it allows movement across borders", ...

And, as usual, it says "bitcoin" when all those properties hold for any cryptocurrency with similar protocol, and many of the good ones hold even for cryptocurrencies with centralized management.
423  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: May 07, 2014, 09:51:02 PM
Chinese Slumber Method prediction for Thursday May 08

Prediction valid for: Thursday 2014-05-08, 19:00--19:59 UTC (not before, not after)
Huobi's predicted price: 2838 CNY
Bitstamp's predicted price: 460 USD

[ Plot legend ]

The data point for today May/07 was good (S = 0.0029, W = 0.857).  Now that we have two data points since the last assumed break, it seems reasonable to assume a straight line trend defined by them.  Namely, A + B*(d-d0), where (d-d0) is the number of days since May/06, A = 2672, B = +83.

(Another option would be a shifted exponential trend defined by the last three points, May/05--07; but that would expose me to jeers and taunts from the audience for being overbullish.)

The Bitstamp prediction, as usual, is the Huobi prediction divided by the currency conversion factor R, taken to be 6.17 CNY/USD.  Its value was 6.16 today (May/07), but 6.23 yesterday, and 6.18, 6.16, 6.17 on the previous good sample times.
Checking the previous prediction

Prediction was posted on: Tuesday 2014-05-06, 21:29 UTC
Prediction was valid for: Wednesday 2014-05-07, 19:00--19:59 UTC (~22 hours later)

The predicition was bad, as expected from the banal extrapolation:

Huobi's predicted price: 2672 CNY
Huobi's actual price (L+H)/2: 2755 CNY
Error: 83 CNY (~13 USD)

Bitstamp's predicted price: 430 USD
Bitstamp's actual price (L+H)/2: 450 USD
Error: 20 USD
NOTE: Extrapolating the current trend, by the end of June the date will be May 61, 2014.
424  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: May 07, 2014, 08:19:08 PM
I wonder if a side effect of China's exchanges being hamstrung (at best) is that Chinese miners will stop mining because there's no easy way to sell their coins. That would lead to a drop in difficulty, benefiting miners elsewhere - though potentially placing further downward pressure on prices on the remaining exchanges.
I would think that the commercial Chinese miners can easily sell their coins in the Western exchanges or to Western clients, using Western bank accounts, all legally.  The closure of Chinese exchanges may be a problem for small independent miners, perhaps.
425  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: May 07, 2014, 08:15:32 PM
If anyone is interested: I saved about 1 hour of Huobi's transaction log from earlier today (2014-07-07) centered on 02:54 UTC.  That's in the middle of the small hump that preceded today's mini-rally.

The file has 879 transactions.  It was built by repeated copy-pasting from Bitcoinwisdom's chart (which shows only the last 200 transactions) reformatted and cleaned by a couple of gawk scripts.  Beware of possible gaps or errors.

Unix users may be interested in the scripts too:
Basic reformat/cleanup script.  Click on the chart, then CTRL-A CTRL-C, then paste into a file,
then pipe the file through, for example,

  gawk -f cleanup_bitcoinwisdom_trans_log.gawk -v curr=CNY -v ex=Huobi -v dt=2014-05-07
A script to merge several files obtained as above, with overlapping time intervals.
Save each CTRL-A CTRL-C to a separate file, run the cleanup fillter above on each file,
then concatenate the files in chronological order (most recent last), and
pipe the concatenation through

  gawk -f remove_dup_trans.gawk
426  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: May 07, 2014, 07:10:19 PM
So basically, the Chinese are just going to become a bunch of traders who are selling BTC to each other, but have to buy BTC to withdrawal?  That sounds exactly like what happened to Gox.
Mark first delayed withdrawals without admitting it.  Then, when people began to realize what he was doing, he blocked all withdrawals by surprise. Doing so he trapped half a billion USD worth of coins and cash, without giving the users a choice.

I suppose that the Chinese exchanges will never block BTC withdrawals, and will give advance warning of the end of yuan withdrawals.  So, when the latter happens, I expect that only a few traders will be left, and most of them will have means to withdraw, e.g. in cash.

However, the bank statements may be read as barring the exchanges from having bank accounts at all, even if they are for internal use only and clients cannot deposit there.  If this interpretation is correct, then the exchanges will not be able to keep clients' yuan at all (they would not hold cash in a safe, I suppose), and will have to close, like FXBTC did.

In any case, most traders will probably sell all their bitcoins and cash out, others will buy those bitcoins, withdraw them, and transfer them to Western exchanges or hoard them.   That shoudl cause the price to drop in China and in the West together.
427  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: May 07, 2014, 12:50:32 PM
Just to irritate the extrapolators and pattern matchers:

428  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: May 07, 2014, 11:17:44 AM
What if Huobi now has a system in place that would only let the price fluctuate 50 yuan a day? To protect its traders?

edit: I know it sounds crazy but we are dealing with an exchange in distress here.

fake sells as soon as price rises too much and fake buys as soon as price drops too much? Or stop processing buy or sell orders as soon as max or min price for that day has been reached?

edit: like I said before it is far fetched, but it would kill volatility
A really fake transaction is possible only within the real spread, so it cannot change the price beyond those bounds.  I believe MtGOX did that to suggest that the price was rising when there was no volume, OKCoin does that perhaps to increase volume, and other exchanges do that to mask the absence of real trades.  That may be why the charts of Bitstamp etc. look like broad bands rather than thin staircases (like BTC-China used to be in the voucher era).

To stop the price from rising beyond a certain limit the exchange would have to do real sales of BTC at that chosen price.  That would cost the exchange an unbounded amount of BTC, since every buyer who was willing to pay a higher price would buy into the exchange's wall.  Ditto for the other direction.

After one of the large crashes (forgot the year), real stock exchanges implemented a safety switch that stops trading automatically if the price changes too much too fast.  But that cannot be abused: the exchange's job is to make trading possible, if the clients want the price to be X the exchange must let them do it.
429  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: May 07, 2014, 02:02:06 AM
PS. Re Huobi's volume: it has suddenly resumed.  Perhaps the robot pilots were expecting fees to start immediately, and only now they have read the attachment that says "starting May 10th ..."
430  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: May 07, 2014, 01:57:37 AM
How will [ Huobi's new HFT fee policy ]  affect btc price?

I have no idea, I can't even understand exactly what the note says.  However, today Huobi's volume was abnormally low up to 09:30 local time (01:30 UTC), it usually starts to pick up at 07:00.  Perhaps they have already curbed some robot trading. 
431  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: May 07, 2014, 01:48:33 AM
NOTE: There is nothing notable today.
I thought Adam asking you to get some skin in the game was notable  Wink

Not drinking while playing the drinking game is cause for suspicion.
Please suspiciate at will.  Wink  As I said many times, I will buy bitcoin if and when I believe that it will be worth the trouble, compared to credit card etc.  I will not buy "just to try", not for investment, not "just in case it becomes worth a zillion some day". 

(By the way, I consider that last argument a sleazy sales trick to get thousands of small buyers, not only to raise the price - 100'000 people buying 0.1 BTC is 10'000 BTC taken off the market - but also to claim "increasing adoption".)
432  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: May 07, 2014, 01:37:11 AM
Huobi posted the "five exchanges agreement" notice on their homepage, and also added the following attachement explaining their new/upcoming fee policy for high-frequency trading:


时间 :2014-05-06 13:35:07 来源: 火币网





Google Translate, with a few fixes (Fire coins network -->
Charge service fees on high-frequency trading and closed financing currency financial service description

Time :2014 -05-06 13:35:07 Source
Dear users :

    Use of high-frequency trading (API transaction ) fee Description

   HFT users tremendous liquidity to the market, but also increases the speculative market. In order to curb excessive speculation and protect the interests of ordinary investors, the use of high-frequency trading API for users to receive appropriate service fee, an appropriate increase in the cost of high-frequency trading, is the consensus reached by the industry at present .

   1, the general api: restrict the number and frequency of transactions, ordinary users can make free use;

   2, the agency api: further escalation api service does not limit the frequency and number of charge a service fee;

Agencies api specific charges after the way the industry will reach a consensus on the recent announcement. Prior to the formal announcement of Association, all api transaction is still handling charge.

 Close currency financing financial services implementing rules

   1. beginning May 10th at 0:00, new financing will stop financing currency after currency to pay off all of the facility or stopping leveraged finance transactions.

   2. after May 10th at 0:00 still has not repaid borrowings user can choose any time of repayment;

   3. beginning May 10th at 0:00, canceled lending rates increased by 20 % rule every 10 days;

   4. Beginning May 10th at 0:00, did not pay off the loan with no user, the system will no longer show lending and borrowing reservation function module, a user does not pay off borrowing, lending functions can be accessed repayment operation. Operations
   May 6, 2014
433  Local / Economia & Mercado / Re: Anedota do ano: Chipre avisa contra a Bitcoin on: May 07, 2014, 01:14:18 AM
Mas quem é que raio necessita de um "banco de bitcoins"?! A ideia da bitcoin é mesmo descentralizar e tem 1001 formas de a guardar você mesmo sem necessitar de colocar nada em banco nenhum.
Não vou discutir isso, mas so notar que a "comunidade bitcoin" elogiou muito o projeto, e Andreas Anotonopolous, um dos gurus da comunidade, inclusive deu consultoria para a Neo & Bee e a avalizou. 

Agora descobriram que Danny Brewster, o inglês que lançou esse projeto, era um vigarista habitual com histórico  de várias empresas falidas na Inglaterra. 

Infelizmente os "crentes" do bitcoin são no geral muito ingênuos  Basta que um cara fale bem do bitcoin e eles imediatamente acreditam que ele é boa pessoa, e investem no projeto dele sem mesmo entender direito do que se trata, sem investigar o passado do sujeito, e sem ler direito o contrato.

Além disso muitos bitcoineiros "compram" junto com bitcoin a ideologia libertariana, segundo a qual governo, lei e polícia são bandidos, e quem a polícia persegue é herói.  Então, quando um vigarista dá o golpe, em vez de denunciá-lo à polícia os bitcoineiros lesados ficam lamenttando nos fóruns, e os outros ficam culpando as vítimas por terem sido bobas.

Por tudo isso, o que mais dá no "mundo bitcoin" é vigarista...  Angry
434  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: May 06, 2014, 11:25:36 PM
You can see the sponsors [of the Beijing Bitcoin Summit ] there on the lower right side
Yes, but I wonder about that

The Summit seems to be a marketing event to legitimize that specific (offshore?) investment fund.

The Chinese exchanges apparently pulled out of it.  Their recent joint statement seems to promise that they will refrain from questionable marketing, among other things. Could they be referring to that Summit?
435  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: May 06, 2014, 09:29:22 PM
Chinese Slumber Method prediction for Wednesday May 07

Prediction valid for: Wednesday 2014-05-07, 19:00--19:59 UTC (not before, not after)
Huobi's predicted price: 2672 CNY
Bitstamp's predicted price: 430 USD

[ Plot legend ]

The data point for today May/05 was very good (S = 0.0011, W = 0.974).  It was signficantly above the previously assumed trend, so it seems that the trend was broken again.  With only one data point, we must use the banal "tomorrow like today" prediction.

The Bitstamp prediction, as usual, is the Huobi prediction divided by the currency conversion factor R, taken to be 6.22 CNY/USD.  Its value was 6.23 today (May/06), but 6.18 yesterday, and 6.16, 6.17, 6.08, 6.11, 6.22 on the previous good sample times.
Checking the previous prediction

Prediction was posted on: Monday 2014-05-04, 21:33 UTC
Prediction was valid for: Tuesday 2014-05-06, 19:00--19:59 UTC (~22 hours later)

The predicition for Huobi was not that wrong, considering the swings of the day:

Huobi's predicted price: 2635 CNY
Huobi's actual price (L+H)/2: 2672 CNY
Error: 37 CNY (~6 USD)

The prediction for Bitstamp was more accurate, due to an unexpected change in the R factor:

Bitstamp's predicted price: 427 USD
Bitstamp's actual price (L+H)/2: 429 USD
Error: 2 USD
NOTE: There is nothing notable today.
436  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: May 06, 2014, 07:49:34 PM
Hey Guys look what I found on pastebin, looks like someone leaked some marching orders from the puppet masters.

How embarrassing!

Troll Talking Points
 May 6th, 2014

Greetings gentlemen, first let me start off and say you have been doing very good work lately.
However we would like to remind you that you need to post in other forums besides Speculation,
as it is becoming quite apparent when you purchased your account from a real member since the account
stopped posting in other forums. Remember keep up your appearances, so as to not blow your cover.

Also some of you have been posting too much in "TOTAL TROLL" mode. Remember you need to dial it back
every now and then and post like an actual moderate bear would. This lends you creditability for your
"TOTAL TROLL" mode, when it is deemed necessary by the powers that be. And also keeps the actual bears
on your side, and they will even back you up sometimes... LOL.

Now onto today's talking points:

* OPERATION FUD - People were starting to react positively to the term FUD being thrown around, and it was
  starting to dilute our message. As you know the effort to re-term it to mean Fact U Dislike has worked moderately.
  Please keep mentioning it when someone points out our actual use of FUD.
* CHINA, CHINA, CHINA - The powers that be are coming to the end of the China ban milking. Now that China's actual
  influence on the markets has dwindled its time to switch tactics. Let's try "China is the only thing that makes
  Bitcoin worth more than $100". Find correlations between events in China to price rising and failing. Nevermind
  the growth outside of China, keep them focused on China. We want maximum panic when the exchanges finally mention
  they are leaving China.
* CHARTS - Now that you've all been through "negative slope" training, don't forget throw up a couple trendlines
  that point out how Bitcoin is going down to $0. Remember its not you making the numbers go down, its just what
  the trend it pointing out. Don't forget an emoticon for an effective reaction Wink
That's it for today. Your Bitcoin payments are on their way. Don't forget to put your shorts in, as you know we
definetely will let YOU know when the squeeze begins.
Why, those three points are a short and lucid summary of the bitcoin community and market situation today.  (Although a bit pessimistic. It is only the linear extrapolation that gives 0$ by Sep/2014; the log extrapolation can't go to zero ever.  Grin)

Thanks for posting, I will tell my patrons to send you a small comission too.  Wink
437  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: May 06, 2014, 07:40:40 PM
[ ... ]
Jorge has been wooed by Chinas pretty volume numbers and actually thinks they own 90% of the coins.

Garbage in, garbage out
Ahem, ahem, my Masters thesis in 1979 was on garbage collection.  So THAT is something I am competent at.  

You should see my office if you don't believe it.  Wink

EDIT fixed [ quote ]s
438  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: May 06, 2014, 07:36:50 PM
Chinese markets were open as early as 2011 so your mistaken [ in relating them to the Oct/2013 bubble ]. .
Are you refering to BTC-China?  When did Huobi and OKCoin open?

On Bitcoinwisdom, BTC-China's data starts 2011-06-09 with ~1.5 BTC/day, OKCoin's data starts on 2013-06-12 with 0.004 BTC/day, Huobi's starts on 2013-09-01 with 134 BTC/day.  BTC-China always charged trading fees; I am not sure about OKCoin, but I think I read that they initially charged fees until Huobi came up with its zero-fee policy and they had to follow.  So maybe it was the zero-fee trading by Huobi, specifically, that attracted the Chinese habitual speculators.

I cannot follow that reasoning.  The busting of SR made people realize that bitcoin transactions were not invisible to the FBI at all. How could that have helped other uses?

The "cleansing"of bitcoin's image (which did not actually happen, it is still the "coin of crime" for many people)  cannot possibly explain a rise of 1000% in 2 months.  "Other uses" could not and did not expand that fast.  The Chinese market could and did.

By the way, I still don't know what caused the April/2013 jump.  Some said it was videos on YouTube; perhaps.  Could it have been the opening of the illegal drug market by SilkRoad?  Or was it the initial opening of the non-Mainland Chinese market by BTC-China?

The only thing people like you had to say about BTC was its just used for buying drugs theres no other reason for it etc etc. Well look , the price didn't go to $0 as many were trying to say guess what that does? All the detractors who wrote it off as drug money are suddenly very interested, I mean how can something that was only used to buy drugs have value outside of drugs  Shocked

Really with the same old rhetoric ? The dollar and its ponzi scheme is the coin of crime.
There can't possibly be other people like me.  Wink

It is not me who is saying that "bitcoin is the coin of crime", that is still a common perception out there.  But on the other hand, based on what people write here and in other forums, I would think that at least 10% of the bitcoin enthusiasts still love it because they (naively) think that it will allow them to make illegal payments and protect their illegal money from confiscation. ("Illegal" here in the literal sense of "prohibited by the laws of the land and times."  That includes tax evasion, bribes, contributing to outlaw organizations, etc.)

Silk Road was open in 2011 so no.
Well, then that leaves only BTC-China and those YouTube videos.

By the way, Wikipedia says that "Company CEO Bobby Lee [ who had experience in Yahoo Exclamation and Walmart China ] approached the then two-person company in early 2013, and after investing his own money and attracting investors, oversaw the company's rapid expansion and marketshare growth by the end of the year."  Which seems to fit quite nicely with the timing of the April 2013 bubble...

You seem to think the market is 100% speculation and needs 'news' to move. The market can move by normal dynamics such as adoption as well you know.
The bitcoin market now is still probably >95% speculation.  Dumping by miners and buying for long-term investment must be a small fraction of the exchange's volume, and buying for use in commerce must be almost nil.

I agree that mere "news" have little influence in the market.   The things that moved the market since Dec/2013 were not "news" but hard facts (sometimes false): the December five-agency decree, the Huobi and OKCoin workarounds, the "bug in bitcoin", the bank account closures.  News were merely the channel through which the market learned the facts.  

On the other hand, many of the "positive developments" that people keep mentioning here were just news (rather: thinly edited commercial press releases) which did not materialize.  

As it currently stands millions of dollars of vc funds and normal investors are building Bitcoin businesses, everyday those services open and gain a wider customer base.
I see venture capital and established investors shunning bitcoin per se and investing instead in services like Bitpay, bitcoin fund management (SMBIT, PBP), and exchanges, which are profitable independently of the price of bitcoin.

Bitpay for example claimed to have made 100 M$ of payments last year.  Their revenue is the fees on that, a few million dollars.  They must still be lucrative in spite of the 50% BTC price loss since January.   But how much of that volume is new bitcoin adopters, and how much is bitcoiners who have piles of cheap old BTC and are spending some of them?

EDIT fix bad [ quote ] marks
439  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: May 06, 2014, 06:26:55 PM
Jorge has been wooed by Chinas pretty volume numbers and actually thinks they own 90% of the coins.
They certainly do not own 90% of all bitcoins, but it seems quite possible that the Chinese speculators (active exchange clients) own 80-90% of all the bitcoins owned by speculators worldwide.  (Of course there is no sharp divide between speculators and investors, but you get the idea, I hope.)

Most of the bitcoins that exist are probably owned by Western hoarders and long-term investors.  Which should be another reason to worry, besides the closing of the Chinese market: if a small fraction of those coins were to be dumped on the public market, they could easily push the price below 100$/BTC.  There is no dispute on this point, I suppose?
440  Economy / Speculation / Re: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion on: May 06, 2014, 05:36:38 PM
As far as i know we had bubbles of comparable magnitude before, with or without China.
The evolution of the BTC price since Oct/2013 can be explained in terms of Chinese events only, and does not seem to react to any events outside China.  Even the Feb/10 drop related to MtGOX was probably due to Mark's claim of a 'bug in the protocol' rather than the dealings of MtGOX itself. 

So it is hard to deny that the rise from ~100$ to ~1000$ and the current ~450$ are entirely due to the Chinese market.  If we consider percentual increase in price, indeed there were comparable bubbles before.  If we consider total demand for BTC, China was about 10x all the previous bubbles combined.

Obviously. Because price and demand driving the price are in a linear relation, huh?
Agreed, that "10x demand" is just a very rough guess, based not only on the price increase but also on the demographics of the market as some articles have described it (not nerds, but mostly amateur speculators with no computer expertise, who used to speculate on other things - a profile that seems to be common in China but not in the US).

What is your guess for the number of coins that Chinese speculators have bought to speculate with -- 2x, or 50x, the Western number?  Wink
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