// MC930 - Exemplo de main.pov para o trabalho final // Last edited on 2000-12-14 09:07:40 by mc726 // MONUMENTO #include "colors.inc" #include "textures.inc" #include "woods.inc" #include "stones1.inc" #include "glass.inc" #include "metals.inc" camera { location <-30, 30, 30> look_at <0, 0, 0> } light_source { <30, 30, 30> color White } light_source { <-30, 30, 30> color White } light_source { <-30, 0, 15> color White } #declare plano = plane { y,-1 pigment {Green} normal{bumps 0.6} } #declare eixos_cartesianos = union { cylinder { <0,0,0>, <15,0,0>, 1 pigment { color rgb <1,0,0> } } // cylinder { <0,11,0>, <0,15,0>, 1 pigment { color rgb <0,1,0> } } cylinder { <0,0,0>, <0,0,15>, 1 pigment { color rgb <0,0,1> } } } #declare pilastra = box{<.5,0,12>, <1,4,12.2> texture{T_Wood32} } #declare pilastras = union { object{pilastra translate<4,0,0>} object{pilastra translate<6,0,0>} object{pilastra translate<8,0,0>} object{pilastra translate<10,0,0>} object{pilastra translate<12,0,0>} // object{pilastra} object{pilastra translate<4,0,2>} object{pilastra translate<6,0,2>} object{pilastra translate<8,0,2>} object{pilastra translate<10,0,2>} object{pilastra translate<12,0,2>} } #declare telhado = box {<3,0,0>, <14,.5,3> // rotate<15,0,0> translate<0,4,12> texture{T_Grnt1} } #declare caixa = difference { box{<0,0,-5>, <15.25,5,10> // pigment {White} texture{T_Grnt16} } box{<-0.5,-0.5,0>, <4.3,5.3,5> pigment {color rgb<1,1,1,1>} } } #declare caixa2 = merge { object{caixa} box{<4,0,0>, <7,7,5> // pigment {color rgb<1,0,1>} texture{T_Grnt16} } } #declare janela1 = box {<0,1,-4.75>, <-0.2,3.5,-3.75> texture {T_Orange_Glass} // texture {T_Glass2} } #declare janela2 = box {<-.5,-1.25,-0.1>, <.5,1.25,0.1> texture {T_Orange_Glass} } #declare janela1B = union {object{janela1 translate<0,0,.25>} object{janela1 translate<0,0,1.75>} object{janela1 translate<0,0,3.25>} object{janela1 translate<0,0,10.25>} object{janela1 translate<0,0,11.75>} object{janela1 translate<0,0,13.25>} object{janela2 translate<1.25,2.25,10>} object{janela2 translate<2.75,2.25,10>} object{janela2 translate<4.25,2.25,10>} object{janela2 translate<6.25,2.25,10>} object{janela2 translate<7.75,2.25,10>} object{janela2 translate<9.25,2.25,10>} object{janela2 translate<11.25,2.25,10>} object{janela2 translate<12.75,2.25,10>} object{janela2 translate<14.25,2.25,10>} } #declare porta = merge{ object{caixa2} box {<4.2,0,1.75>, <3.8,4,4> pigment {P_Brass3} } } #declare toldo = prism { linear_sweep linear_spline -1.125, // sweep the following shape from here ... 1.7, // ... up through here 4, // the number of points making up the shape ... <-1,-1>, <0,-1>, <-1,1>, <-1,-1> pigment { Blue } rotate<-90,0,90> translate<4,5,4> } //object{eixos_cartesianos} object{plano} object{pilastras} object{telhado} object{janela1B} object{porta} object{toldo}