#include "colors.inc" #include "textures.inc" #include "golds.inc" #include "skies.inc" camera { angle 45 location <32, 15, -13> look_at <0, 5, 0> } /* camera { angle 45 location <-2, 12, -9> look_at <-0.01,11,-8> } */ plane { y, 0 //this is the grout pigment { checker color Green, color White scale 3 } finish { ambient .4 diffuse .7 } } light_source{ <30, 12, -10> White } light_source{ <30, 12, -10> White } sky_sphere { S_Cloud5 } #declare cor_cristal = White; #declare tex_cristal = texture { finish { ambient 0.1 diffuse 0.1 reflection 0.25 specular 1 roughness 0.001 } pigment {color cor_cristal filter 1.0} } #declare cor_espelho = Grey; #declare tex_espelho = texture { finish { ambient 0.05 diffuse 0.05 reflection cor_espelho specular 0.20 roughness 0.05 } pigment {rgb cor_espelho} } #declare colar = torus { 3, 1 // major and minor radius texture { tex_espelho } scale <0,0.5,0> translate <0,10,0> } #declare cinturao = torus { 7, 3 // major and minor radius texture { tex_espelho } interior { ior 1.5 } translate <0,-1.5,0> } #declare central = cone { <0,1,0>, 7, <0,15,0>, 0 texture { tex_cristal } interior { ior 1.1 } } #declare torre_esq = union { cone { <0,9,-7>, 1, <0,11,-7>, 0 pigment {rgb Red} } cylinder { <0,0,-7>, <0,9,-7>, 1 texture { tex_espelho } } cylinder { //mastro <0,10,-7>, <0,11.5,-7>, 0.1 pigment { White } } //bandeira box { <-0.01,11,-7>, <+0.01,11.5,-9> pigment { White } } torus { 1.4, 0.9 // major and minor radius texture { tex_espelho } scale <1,0.5,1> translate <0,8,-7> } torus { 1.4, 0.9 // major and minor radius texture { tex_espelho } scale <1,0.5,1> translate <0,6,-7> } } #declare entrada = cone { <3,1,0>, 3, <14,1,0>, 3 texture { tex_espelho } interior { ior 1.1 } scale<1,1.5,1> translate <0,-1.5,0> } // Aqui está a cena, finalmente: union { object {colar} object {torre_esq} object {torre_esq translate <0,0,+14>} difference { union { object {cinturao} object {central} } object{entrada} } }