// Last edited on 2004-03-14 22:40:01 by stolfi // Exemplo de arquivo de descricao de cena para POV-ray background{ color rgb < 0.00, 0.75, 0.85 > } light_source { < 500.00, 1000.00, 200.00 > color rgb < 1.00, 1.00, 1.00 > } //soma 0.1 por causa do plano horizontal #declare camangle=0.9*(clock*clock*pi/2) + 0.1; #declare ctr = < 0.00, 1.50, 0.00 >; #declare camDir = 45*< 0, sin(camangle), cos(camangle) > - < 0.00, 1.50, 0.00 >; camera { location ctr + 1.00*camDir right -1.20*x up 0.90*y sky y look_at ctr } #declare preto = texture { pigment { color rgb < 0.1, 0.05, 0.0 > } finish { diffuse 0.75 specular 0.5 roughness 0.005 ambient 0.1 } } #declare metal = texture { pigment { color rgb < 0.3, 0.3, 0.0 > } finish { diffuse 0.75 specular 0.5 roughness 0.005 ambient 0.1 reflection <0.1,0.1,0.1> } } #declare bege = texture { pigment { color rgb < 1.0, 0.80, 0.70 > } finish { diffuse 0.75 specular 0.5 roughness 0.005 ambient 0.1 } } #declare vermelho = texture { pigment { color rgb < 1.0, 0.20, 0.20 > } finish { diffuse 0.75 specular 0.5 roughness 0.005 ambient 0.1 } } #declare cinza = texture { pigment { color rgb < 0.75, 0.75, 0.75 > } finish { diffuse 0.9 specular 0.5 roughness 0.005 ambient 0.1 reflection <0.15,0.15,0.15> } } #declare marrom = texture { pigment { color rgb < 0.5, 0.40, 0.0 > } finish { diffuse 0.75 specular 0.5 roughness 0.005 ambient 0.1 } } #declare xadrez = texture { pigment { checker color <0,0,0>, color <1,1,1>, scale 1 } } #declare toalha = texture { pigment { checker color <1,0,0>, color <0,1,0>, scale 4 } } #declare altpista=4; #declare largpista=4; #declare pista = difference { cone { <0,0,0>,15 <0,altpista,0>,15+largpista } cone { <0,0.1,0>,15 <0,altpista+0.1,0>,15+largpista } texture { cinza } } #declare coxa = union { sphere { <0,0,0>,1 scale <8,5,5> texture { marrom } } cylinder { <8,0,0>, <16,0,0>, 1 texture { bege } } sphere { <17,0,0>, 1 texture { bege} } } #declare rodagrande = cylinder { <0,0,0>, <0,0,0.5>, 0.5 texture { preto } } #declare rodamenor = cylinder { <0,0,0>, <0,0,0.3>, 0.3 texture { preto } } #declare carro = union { difference { cone { <-2,0.1,0>,1, <2,0.1,0>,0 } box { <-2.1,0.1,-1.1> <2.1,-1,1.1> } texture { vermelho } } object {rodagrande translate <-1.6,0.5,1.1> scale <1,1,1>} object {rodagrande translate <-1.6,0.5,1.1> scale <1,1,-1>} object {rodamenor translate <1,0.3,0.5> scale <1,1,1>} object {rodamenor translate <1,0.3,0.5> scale <1,1,-1>} } #declare coluna = lathe { quadratic_spline 12, <0,0>, <1,0>, <1.3,2>, <1,3>, <0.9,5>, <1.2,7>, <0.7,8>, <0.5,10>, <0.8,11>, <0.2,11>, <0.2,16>, <0,16> texture { metal } } #declare angbandeira = clock * 4 * pi; #declare incbandeira=pi/2; #declare bandeira = prism { linear_sweep quadratic_spline 0, // sweep the following shape from here ... 5, // ... up through here 16, // the number of points making up the shape ... <0,0>, <0,0>, <1,sin(angbandeira+1*incbandeira)>, <2,sin(angbandeira+2*incbandeira)>, <3,sin(angbandeira+3*incbandeira)>, <4,sin(angbandeira+4*incbandeira)>, <5,sin(angbandeira+5*incbandeira)>, <6,sin(angbandeira+6*incbandeira)>, <6,sin(angbandeira+6*incbandeira)>, <5,sin(angbandeira+5*incbandeira)>, <4,sin(angbandeira+4*incbandeira)>, <3,sin(angbandeira+3*incbandeira)>, <2,sin(angbandeira+2*incbandeira)>, <1,sin(angbandeira+1*incbandeira)>, <0,0>, <0,0> texture { xadrez } } #declare portao = union { object { coluna translate <-5,0,0> } object { coluna translate <5,0,0> } object { bandeira translate <-5,11,0> } object { bandeira translate <5,11,0> } scale 0.5 } #declare textocima = text { ttf "arial.ttf" "Quem tem fome" 0.01,0 pigment { color rgb <1,1,0> } } #declare textobaixo = text { ttf "arial.ttf" "TEM PRESSA!" 0.01,0 pigment { color rgb <1,1,0> } } #declare angcarro=360*clock-90; #declare maxtilt=-15; #declare coxaangle=maxtilt*sin(pi*clock*6) * exp(-clock*2); plane { y, 0 texture { toalha } } object {pista} object {coxa translate <-5,5,0> rotate coxaangle*z} object {carro rotate <-45,0,0> translate y*altpista/2 translate z*(15+largpista/2) rotate y*angcarro } object {portao rotate <0,0,45> translate y*altpista/2 translate x*(15+largpista/2) rotate <0,30,0> } object {textocima scale <6,6,1> translate <-20,10,0>} object {textobaixo scale <6,6,1> translate <-20,10,6> rotate -90*x }