global_settings { assumed_gamma 1.0 } #include "" #include "" // camera ------------------------------------------------------------------ #declare Camera_0 = camera {ultra_wide_angle angle 75 // front view location <-0.3 , 3.2 ,-4.> right x*image_width/image_height look_at <0.8 , 2.8 , 0.0>} camera{Camera_0} // sun --------------------------------------------------------------------- light_source{<1500,2500,-2500> color White} // sky --------------------------------------------------------------------- plane{<0,0.9,0>,1 hollow texture{ pigment{ bozo turbulence 0.76 color_map { [0.5 rgb <0.20, 0.20, 1.0>] [0.6 rgb <1,1,1>] [1.0 rgb <0.5,0.5,0.5>]} } finish {ambient 1 diffuse 0} } scale 10000} // fog --------------------------------------------------------------------- fog{fog_type 2 distance 50 color White fog_offset 0.1 fog_alt 2.0 turbulence 0.8} // ground ------------------------------------------------------------------ #declare Wheel_Radius = 1.00; plane { <0,1,0>, 0 texture{ pigment{color rgb<0.35,0.65,0.0>} normal {bumps 0.75 scale 0.015} finish {ambient 0.1 diffuse 0.8} } // end of texture } // end of plane //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------- objects in scene ---------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #declare Rad_Tex = texture{pigment{color Black} finish {ambient 0.15 diffuse 0.85 phong 1}} #declare Speichen_Tex = texture{pigment{color Black } finish {ambient 0.15 diffuse 0.85 phong 1}} #declare Rad = union { // radius = 1.00 difference{ cylinder {<0,0,-0.05>,<0,0,0.35>,Wheel_Radius} cylinder {<0,0,-0.06>,<0,0,0.36>,Wheel_Radius - 0.10} texture{Rad_Tex}} cylinder { <0, 0,-0.06> <0, 0, 0.06>,1.0 texture{Rad_Tex}} cone { <0, 0,-0.12>,0.08, <0, 0, 0.00>,0.15 texture{Speichen_Tex}} cone { <0, 0, 0.00>,0.15, <0, 0, 0.12>,0.08 texture{Speichen_Tex}} cylinder { <0, 0,-0.14> <0, 0, 0.14>,0.2 texture{Rad_Tex}} cylinder { <-0.75, 0, 0>, <0.75, 0, 0>,0.1 scale Wheel_Radius rotate 0*z texture {Silver_Metal} } cylinder { <-0.75, 0, 0>, <0.75, 0, 0>,0.1 scale Wheel_Radius rotate 45*z texture {Silver_Metal} } cylinder { <-0.75, 0, 0>, <0.75, 0, 0>,0.1 scale Wheel_Radius rotate 90*z texture {Silver_Metal} } cylinder { <-0.75, 0, 0>, <0.75, 0, 0>,0.1 scale Wheel_Radius rotate 135*z texture {Silver_Metal} } } #declare fome = text { ttf "arial.ttf" "Fome" 0.35 , 0 texture{ pigment{ checker color rgb <0,1,0>, color rgb <0.8.8,0> } finish { ambient 0.1 diffuse 0.9 specular 0.2 roughness 0.1 } scale 0.13 } scale <1,1,1> * 0.8 translate <0.30 ,4.3, 0.0 > rotate<0,-360*(clock+0.00),0> } #declare zero = text { ttf "arial.ttf" "zer0" 0.35 , 0 texture{ pigment{ checker color rgb <0,1,0>, color rgb <0.8.8,0> } finish { ambient 0.1 diffuse 0.9 specular 0.2 roughness 0.1 } scale 0.13 } scale <1,1,1> * 1.0 translate <-0.3 ,1.0, 0 > rotate<0,360*(clock+0.00),0> } #declare prisma = prism { linear_sweep cubic_spline 0, // sweep the following shape from here ... 1, // ... up through here 12, // the number of points making up the shape ... <3,-8.5>, <3,5>, <-5,0>, <3, -5>, <3,5>, <-8.5,0>, // sub-shape #1 <2.88,-4>, <2.88,4>, <-4,0>, <2.88,-4>, <2.88,4>, <-4,0> // sub-shape #2 texture{ pigment{ checker color rgb <0,0,0>, color rgb <1,1,1> } finish { ambient 0.1 diffuse 0.9 specular 0.2 roughness 0.1 } scale 0.4 } // pigment { Green } // translate <0 ,-9, 12 > // translate <0 ,0, 5 > translate <1.0 ,7, 4 > scale <1.2,1,1.1> // rotate <0,20,100> rotate <90 , 0 ,90> translate <0 ,-1, -2 > } #declare late = lathe { quadratic_spline // linear_spline 7, <0,-6>, <6,-6>, <3,0>, <5,3>, <7,7>, <11,7>, <11,0> texture {Gold_Metal} translate <31.10 ,8.8, 5 > scale <1,1,1> * 0.1 } //--------------------------------------------------- object{ Rad rotate <0,+25*clock,-45*clock> rotate <0,5,0> translate <-5.4 + 11*clock,1.2, 12 - 9*clock> scale <1, 1.0, 1.0 > *0.8 } fome zero late prisma //---------------------------------------------------------- end -----------