#! /usr/bin/gawk -f # Last edited on 2019-03-15 20:36:55 by stolfilocal BEGIN { debug = 0; # Should it print debugging state? do_filter = 1; # Should it apply the filter? state = 0; # If 0, just copying stream. # If 1, deleting irrelevant output. # If 2, collecting continuation lines of error message text {emess}. if (debug != 0) { printf "@@ state = %d --starting--\n", state > "/dev/stderr"; } } (do_filter == 0){ # Pass everything through: print; next; } (debug != 0){ printf "@@ state = %d %s\n", state, $0 > "/dev/stderr"; } /^[!][!]/ { # Debug message line: print; next; } /^[ ]/ { # Possible continuation line: if (state == 2) { emess = (emess $0); next; } } // { # Not a continuation line. If gathering error message, dump it: if (state == 2) { if ($0 ~ /^[ ]/) { prog_error(("boh?")); } printf "%s:%s: ** %s\n", efile, eline, emess > "/dev/stderr"; state = 0; } } /^Persistence of Vision[(]tm[)]/ { state = 1; next; } /^Output Options/ { state = 0; } /^Total Scene Processing Times/ { state = 1; next; } /^File[ ]+[']*[^' ]+['][ ]+line */ { # Preamble of context lines and error message: efile=$2; gsub(/[']/, "", efile); eline=$4; gsub(/[:]/, "", eline); if (! match($0, /[:]/)) { prog_error(("no colon")); } emess = substr($0, RSTART+1); gsub(/^[ ]+/, "", emess); state = 2; next; } (state == 0) { # Generic random line: print > "/dev/stderr"; next; } (state == 1) { # Undesired noise line: next; } (state == 2) { # Should have been handled before: prog_error(("boh?")); } function prog_error(msg){ printf "!! povray-output-filter: bug at output line %d - %s\n", FNR, msg > "/dev/stderr"; print > "/dev/stderr"; next; }