// Exemplo de arquivo de descricao de cena para POV-ray // Last edited on 2023-10-23 17:42:28 by stolfilocal // ====================================================================== // CORES E TEXTURAS background{ color rgb < 0.75, 0.80, 0.85 > } #declare tx_plastico = texture{ pigment{ color rgb < 0.10, 0.80, 1.00 > } finish{ diffuse 0.8 ambient 0.1 specular 0.5 roughness 0.005 } } // ====================================================================== // BASIC #declare roleta = seed(27); #declare M = 4; #declare N = 3; // ====================================================================== // TANQUES #declare TANK_SIZE = 2; #declare TANK_OFFSET = 1; #declare BASE_SIZE = 0.5; #declare cylinder_tank = union { box{ <-TANK_SIZE / 2, -TANK_SIZE / 2, 0>, } cylinder { <0, 0, 0>, <0, 0, TANK_SIZE>, TANK_SIZE / 4 } texture { tx_plastico } } #declare cone_tank = union { cylinder{ <0, 0, 0>, <0, 0, 2 * TANK_SIZE / 3>, TANK_SIZE / 2 } cone { <0, 0, 2 * TANK_SIZE / 3>, TANK_SIZE / 2 <0, 0, TANK_SIZE>, 0 } texture { tx_plastico } } #declare sphere_tank = union { sphere { <0, 0, TANK_SIZE / 3>, TANK_SIZE / 3 } sphere { <0, 0, 2 * TANK_SIZE / 3>, TANK_SIZE / 3 } texture { tx_plastico } } // ====================================================================== // PINS #declare NUMBER_OF_PINS = 3 * M * N; #declare PINS = array[NUMBER_OF_PINS]; #declare PINS_DIRECTIONS = array[NUMBER_OF_PINS]; #declare CURRENT_PIN = 0; #declare PIN_SIZE = 0.2; #declare PIN_LENGTH = 0.5; #macro tube_IO(from, to) object { cylinder { from, to, PIN_SIZE } texture { tx_plastico } } #declare PINS[CURRENT_PIN] = to; #declare PINS_DIRECTIONS[CURRENT_PIN] = to - from; #declare CURRENT_PIN = CURRENT_PIN + 1; #end #macro full_4th_degree_vertex(position) union { object { cylinder_tank translate position } #local tube_center = position + <0, 0, BASE_SIZE / 2>; tube_IO(tube_center, tube_center + ) tube_IO(tube_center, tube_center - ) tube_IO(tube_center, tube_center + <0, PIN_LENGTH + TANK_SIZE / 2, 0>) tube_IO(tube_center, tube_center - <0, PIN_LENGTH + TANK_SIZE / 2, 0>) } #end #macro full_3th_degree_vertex(position) union { object { cone_tank translate position } #local tube_center = position + <0, 0, 2 * TANK_SIZE / 3>; tube_IO(tube_center, tube_center - ) tube_IO(tube_center, tube_center + ) tube_IO(tube_center, tube_center + <0, -(PIN_LENGTH + TANK_SIZE / 2), 0>) } #end #macro full_2th_degree_vertex(position) union { object { sphere_tank translate position } #local tube_center = position + <0, 0, TANK_SIZE / 2>; tube_IO(tube_center, tube_center + <0, 0, PIN_LENGTH + TANK_SIZE / 2>) tube_IO(tube_center, tube_center - <0, 0, PIN_LENGTH + TANK_SIZE / 2>) } #end #macro full_1th_degree_vertex(position) union { object { sphere { <0, 0, TANK_SIZE / 2>, TANK_SIZE / 2 } translate position texture { tx_plastico } } #local tube_center = position + <0, 0, TANK_SIZE / 2>; tube_IO(tube_center, tube_center + <0, PIN_LENGTH + TANK_SIZE / 2, 0>) } #end // ====================================================================== // GRID #macro calculate_xy(M_VALUE, N_VALUE) #local resultadoX = (M_VALUE - 1) * (TANK_OFFSET + TANK_SIZE) + TANK_SIZE / 2; #local resultadoY = (N_VALUE - 1) * (TANK_OFFSET + TANK_SIZE) + TANK_SIZE / 2; #end #macro gera_tanques(M_VALUE, N_VALUE) union { #declare CURRENT_M = 1; #while (CURRENT_M <= M_VALUE) #declare CURRENT_N = 1; #while (CURRENT_N <= N_VALUE) #local random = rand(roleta); #if (random < 0.33) full_cone_tank(calculate_xy(CURRENT_M, CURRENT_N)) #else #if (random < 0.66) full_cylinder_tank(calculate_xy(CURRENT_M, CURRENT_N)) #else full_sphere_tank(calculate_xy(CURRENT_M, CURRENT_N)) #end #end #declare CURRENT_N = CURRENT_N + 1; #end #declare CURRENT_M = CURRENT_M + 1; #end } #end // ====================================================================== // INTERPOLACAO #macro interpola1(currentT, t0, v0, t1, v1) #local ss = (currentT - t0) / (t1 - t0); #local vv = (1 - ss) * v0 + ss * v1; vv #end #macro interpola3(currentT, t0, t1, v0, v1, v2, v3) #local v01 = interpola1(currentT, t0, v0, t1, v1); #local v12 = interpola1(currentT, t0, v1, t1, v2); #local v23 = interpola1(currentT, t0, v2, t1, v3); #local v012 = interpola1(currentT, t0, v01, t1, v12); #local v123 = interpola1(currentT, t0, v12, t1, v23); #local v0123 = interpola1(currentT, t0, v012, t1, v123); v0123 #end #macro interpola3_multi(tt, n, initial, p1, p2, final) #local k = int(tt); #local patchStart = initial; #local patchFinish = final; #if (k > 0) #local patchStart = (p2[k - 1] + p1[k]) / 2; #end #if (k < n - 1) #local patchFinish = (p2[k] + p1[k + 1]) / 2; #end #local result = interpola3(tt, k, k + 1, patchStart, p1[k], p2[k], patchFinish); result #end #macro testa_interpola1(p0, p1, n, raio) union { #local CURRENT_K = 0; #while (CURRENT_K <= n) #local centro = interpola1(CURRENT_K, 0, p0, n, p1); sphere { centro, raio } #local CURRENT_K = CURRENT_K + 1; #end texture { tx_plastico } } #end #macro testa_interpola3(p0, p1, v0, v1, n, raio) union { #local CURRENT_K = 0; #while (CURRENT_K <= n) #local centro = interpola3(CURRENT_K, 0, n, p0, v0, v1, p1); sphere { centro, raio } #local CURRENT_K = CURRENT_K + 1; #end texture { tx_plastico } } #end #include "bezpoly.inc" #macro testa_interpola3_multi(numberOfSegments, initial, p1, p2, final, numberOfCylinders, raio) union { object{ bezpoly_multi(numberOfSegments, initial, p1, p2, final, 0.9*raio) } #local CURRENT_K = 0; #while (CURRENT_K < numberOfSegments) #local centro = interpola3_multi(CURRENT_K, numberOfSegments, initial, p1, p2, final); sphere { centro, raio } #local CURRENT_K = CURRENT_K + numberOfSegments / numberOfCylinders; #end texture{ pigment{ color rgb < 1, 0.11, 0.32 > } } } #end // ====================================================================== // TUBES #declare MIN_TUBE_HEIGHT = 2.5; #declare DELTA_TUBE_HEIGHT = 1.5; #macro build_tube(fromIndex, toIndex) #local from = PINS[fromIndex]; #local fromDir = PINS_DIRECTIONS[fromIndex]; #local to = PINS[toIndex]; #local toDir = PINS_DIRECTIONS[toIndex]; #local numberOfSpheres = 500; union { #local CURRENT_K = 0; #while (CURRENT_K <= numberOfSpheres) #local centro = interpola3(CURRENT_K, 0, numberOfSpheres, from, from + fromDir, to + toDir, to); sphere { centro, PIN_SIZE } #local CURRENT_K = CURRENT_K + 1; #end texture { tx_plastico } } #end #macro tubulation() union { #local AVAILABLE_PINS = NUMBER_OF_PINS; #while (AVAILABLE_PINS >= 2) #local LHS_PIN_INDEX = int(AVAILABLE_PINS * rand(roleta)); #local RHS_PIN_INDEX = int((AVAILABLE_PINS - 1) * rand(roleta)); #if (RHS_PIN_INDEX = LHS_PIN_INDEX) #local RHS_PIN_INDEX = RHS_PIN_INDEX + 1; #end build_tube(LHS_PIN_INDEX, RHS_PIN_INDEX) #if (RHS_PIN_INDEX > LHS_PIN_INDEX) #declare PINS[RHS_PIN_INDEX] = PINS[AVAILABLE_PINS - 1]; #local AVAILABLE_PINS = AVAILABLE_PINS - 1; #declare PINS[LHS_PIN_INDEX] = PINS[AVAILABLE_PINS - 1]; #local AVAILABLE_PINS = AVAILABLE_PINS - 1; #else #declare PINS[LHS_PIN_INDEX] = PINS[AVAILABLE_PINS - 1]; #local AVAILABLE_PINS = AVAILABLE_PINS - 1; #declare PINS[RHS_PIN_INDEX] = PINS[AVAILABLE_PINS - 1]; #local AVAILABLE_PINS = AVAILABLE_PINS - 1; #end #end } #end // ====================================================================== // Test bezier #macro half_heart(sign) #local testP1 = array[2]; #local testP2 = array[2]; #local testP1[0] = <0, 0, 3>; #local testP2[0] = <0, sign * 5, 3>; #local testP1[1] = <0, sign * 5, -3>; #local testP2[1] = <0, 0, -3.5>; testa_interpola3_multi(2, <0, 0, 0>, testP1, testP2, <0, 0, -6>, 300, 0.2) #end #macro heart() half_heart(1) half_heart(-1) #end #declare raio = 2.000; union{ // full_2th_degree_vertex(<0, 0, 0>) // full_4th_degree_vertex(<-5, 5, 0>) // build_tube(1, 5) // full_1th_degree_vertex(<0, 0, 0>) // full_3th_degree_vertex(<0, 0, 0>) // testa_interpola1(<0, 0, 0>, <0, 3, 3>, 5, 0.2) // testa_interpola3(<0, 0, 0>, <0, 3, 3>, <0, 0, 2>, <0, 3, 1>, 300, 0.2) #local testP1 = array[3]; #local testP2 = array[3]; #local testP1[0] = <7, -5, 7>; #local testP2[0] = <2, -4, 6>; #local testP1[1] = <7, -2, 3>; #local testP2[1] = <2, -1, 7>; #local testP1[2] = <7, 1, 5>; #local testP2[2] = <2, 4, 9>; testa_interpola3_multi(3, <2, -6, 5>, testP1, testP2, <7, 8, 5>, 300, 0.2) heart() } #include "eixos.inc" // object{ eixos(15) } #declare cmin = < -2,-8,-7 >; #declare cmax = < +9,+10,+10 >; box{ cmin-0.1*z, texture{ pigment{ color rgb <0.80,0.70,0.60> } finish {diffuse 0.7 ambient 0.3 } } } #include "camlight.inc" #declare centro_cena = (cmin + cmax)/2; #declare raio_cena = 0.5*vlength(cmin - cmax); #declare dir_camera = < 14.00, -7.00, 4.00 >; #declare dist_camera = 5*raio_cena; #declare intens_luz = 1.20; camlight(centro_cena, raio_cena, dir_camera, dist_camera , z, intens_luz)