background{ color rgb < 0.75, 0.80, 0.95 > } #declare tx_cinza = texture{ pigment{ color rgb < 0.50, 0.50, 0.50 > } finish{ diffuse 0.8 ambient 0.1 specular 0.5 roughness 0.005 } } #declare tx_painel = texture{ pigment{ color rgb < 1.00, 0.00, 0.00 > } finish{ diffuse 0 ambient 1 } } #declare tx_espelho = texture{ pigment{ color rgb < 1.00, 1.00, 1.00 > } finish{ diffuse 0.2 reflection 0.7*< 1.00, 1.00, 1.00 > ambient 0.1 } } #declare tx_xadrez = texture{ pigment{ checker color rgb < 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 >, color rgb < 1.00, 1.00, 1.0 > } finish{ diffuse 0.9 ambient 0.1 } scale 2.0 } ////////////////////// #declare r_cilindro_maior = 0.5; #declare r_cilindro_menor = 0.005; #declare r_bola = 0.1; #declare NP = 24; #macro parede1() prism { conic_sweep linear_spline 0.5, // height 1 1, // height 2 5, // the number of points making up the shape <4,4>,<-4,4>,<-4,-4>,<4,-4>,<4,4> rotate <270, 0, 0> translate <0, 0, 1> scale <1, 1, 4> texture{tx_cinza} } #end #macro parede2() prism { conic_sweep linear_spline 0.5, // height 1 1, // height 2 5, // the number of points making up the shape <2,2>,<-2,2>,<-2,-2>,<2,-2>,<2,2> rotate <270, 0, 0> translate <0, 0, 2> scale <0.75, 0.75, 2> texture{tx_cinza} } #end #macro painel1() box{<0,-2,0.5>, <0.1,2,2.5> rotate<0,-45,0> translate<4,0,0> texture{tx_painel}} #end #macro painel2() box{<0,-0.75,0.5>, <0.1,0.75,1.5> rotate<0,-40,0> translate<1.75,0,1.75> texture{tx_painel}} #end #macro templo() union{ object{parede1()} object{painel1()} object{painel1() rotate<0,0,90>} object{painel1() rotate<0,0,180>} object{painel1() rotate<0,0,270>} object{parede2()} object{painel2()} object{painel2() rotate<0,0,90>} object{painel2() rotate<0,0,180>} object{painel2() rotate<0,0,270>} } #end #include "" #include "" #include "" #include "" #declare centro_cena = < 0.00, 0.00, 1.00 >; #declare raio_cena = 6.0; union{ object{ eixos(3.00) } object{templo()} #local dir_sol = direcao_do_sol(lat,lon,mes,hora); #local dir_camera = dir_sol; #local dist_camera = 200*raio_cena; } //#declare dir_camera = < 400.00, 3000.00, 000.00 >; //#declare dist_camera = raio_cena; #declare intens_luz = 1.20; camlight(centro_cena, raio_cena, dir_camera, dist_camera , z, intens_luz)