% Last edited on DATE TIME by USER %%% 2004 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @techreport{ceb-kre-lon-saa-lud-bar-ngu-04-aa-compsec-junk, title = {Affine Arithmetic-Type Techniques for Handling Uncertainty in Expert Systems, with Applications to Geoinformatics and Computer Security}, author = {Martine C. Ceberio and V. Kreinovich and L. Longpr{\'e} and E. Saad and B. Ludaescher and C. Baral and H. T. Nguyen}, institution = {University of Texas at El Paso}, year = 2004, note = {Withdrawn}, comment = {Apparently superseded by~\cite{ceb-kre-cho-lon-ngu-lud-bar-07-aa-expert}}, abstract = {Accepted to SCAN'2004.}, altkeys = {ceb-krei-lon-saa-lud-bar-ngu-04-aa-compsec} } %%% 2005 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @inproceedings{cro-dal-mar-05-ecc-junk, author = {F Crowe and A Daly and W Marnane}, title = {A Scalable Dual Mode Arithmetic Unit for Public Key Cryptosystems}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Technology: Coding and Computing (ITCC)}, year = 2005, month = apr, pages = {568-573}, doi = {10.1109/ITCC.2005.33}, comment = {Spurious Google Scholar hit. Modulo arithmetic for Elliptic Curve Cryptography}, abstract = {Elliptic curve cryptosystems (ECC) have become popular in recent years due to their smaller key sizes than traditional public key schemes such as RSA. However the gap between the sizes of these systems is increasing as security requirements become more demanding due to cryptanalytic advances. At current security levels of 80 bits, the corresponding key sizes for ECC and RSA are J60 and 1,024 bits respectively. Although the ECC key size is attractive for embedded applications, the popularity of RSA means that it will remain in legacy applications for the foreseeable future. This paper proposes a dual mode arithmetic unit capable of supporting the underlying field operations performed by both the ECC and RSA public key schemes. A hardware optimized version of the Montgomery algorithm is employed to perform modular multiplication efficiently. The disparity in key sizes is addressed by combining the dual processors to operate in parallel for ECC or in a pipelined series for RSA.} } %%% 2014 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @masterthesis{cos-14-aa-juros-junk, author = {Costa, Rivelino Duarte}, title = {Uma Abordagem da Matem{\'a}tica Financeira no Ensino M{\'e}dio para Explicitar as Metodologias do Fundo de Financiamento Estudantil - {FIES}}, school = {Universidade Federal do Cear{\'a}}, year = 2014, month = jun, note = {Advisor: Flávio Fran{\c{c}}a Cruz}, comment = {Spurious Google Scholar hit. By ``affine arithmentic'' means just affine approximations.}, abstract = {This work aims to propose a methodology for learning present in the calculations of Financial Aid (FIES) tables, based on financial mathematics taught in high school. The work is divided into six parts: introduction, simple capitalization and composed, present value and future value, amortization of loans, the FIES tables and closing remarks. As a preamble, we have included the history of finance and the simple and compound capitalization. The proposal also suggests an understanding of the mathematical content of interconnected way, such as: simple interest with affine arithmetic progression and function, compound interest and exponential function with geometric progression, without forgetting the present and future value amount, representing the value right of capital in a given period. Thus, it is intended to achieve an understanding of the variations in the value of money during the time period and repayment of loans, facts that will bring the understanding of the type of system used in financing if Amortization System Constant Amortization System or French (PRICE).} url = {{\url{https://repositorio.ufc.br/handle/riufc/8828}}}, quotes = {... The proposal also suggests an understanding of the mathematical content of interconnected way, such as: simple interest with affine arithmetic progression and function, compound ...} } %%% 2018 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @inproceedings{eze-gol-18-aa-intro-junk, author = {B Ezell and L Goldrich}, title = {Introduction to the Minitrack on Metrics, Models, and Simulation for Cyber}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS)}, pages = {5644-5644}, year = 2018, note = {One-page intro to a minitrack.}, comment = {Content-free, but mentions the Sem-Symbolic paper by Rathmair et al. on these proceedings} } %%% 2021 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @entry{cho-21-mtcarlo-junk, author = {Chowdhury, Sujaul}, title = {{Monte} {Carlo} Methods: {A} Hands-On Computational Introduction Utilizing {Excel}}, year = 2021, series = {Synthesis Lectures on Mathematics and Statistics}, publisher = {Morgan {\&} Claypool}, pages = {133}, month = dec, doi = {10.2200/S01073ED1V01Y202101MAS037}, comment = {Spurious Google Scholar hit.}, abstract = {This book is intended for undergraduate students of Mathematics, Statistics, and Physics who know nothing about Monte Carlo Methods but wish to know how they work. All treatments have been done as much manually as is practicable. The treatments are deliberately manual to let the readers get the real feel of how Monte Carlo Methods work. Definite integrals $F(x)$ of a total of five functions have been evaluated using constant, linear, Gaussian, and exponential probability density functions $p(x)$. It is shown that results agree with known exact values better if $p(x)$ is proportional to $F(x)$. Deviation from the proportionality results in worse agreement. This book is on Monte Carlo Methods which are numerical methods for Computational Physics. ... } } @book{cos-21-difeq-junk, author = {Costa, Peter J.}, title = {Select Ideas in Partial Differential Equations}, series = {Synthesis Lectures on Mathematics and Statistics,}, year = 2021, publisher = {Morgan {\&} Claypool}, pages = {214}, month = jun, doi = {10.2200/S01080ED1V01Y202102MAS040}, comment = {Spurious Google Scholar hit}, abstract = {This text provides an introduction to the applications and implementations of partial differential equations. The content is structured in three progressive levels which are suited for upper–level undergraduates with background in multivariable calculus and elementary linear algebra (chapters 1–5), first– and second–year graduate students who have taken advanced calculus and real analysis (chapters 6-7), as well as doctoral-level students with an understanding of linear and nonlinear functional analysis (chapters 7-8) respectively. Level one gives readers a full exposure to the fundamental linear partial differential equations of physics. It details methods to understand and solve these equations leading ultimately to solutions of Maxwell’s equations. Level two addresses nonlinearity and provides examples of separation of variables, linearizing change of variables, and the inverse scattering transform for select nonlinear partial differential equations. Level three presents rich sources of advanced techniques and strategies for the study of nonlinear partial differential equations, including unique and previously unpublished results. Ultimately the text aims to familiarize readers in applied mathematics, physics, and engineering with some of the myriad techniques that have been developed to model and solve linear and nonlinear partial differential equations.} } %%% 2022 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @misc{den-22-theory-junk, author = {Deninger, Christopher}, title = {Dynamical Systems for Arithmetic Schemes}, howpublished = {arXiv preprint}, number = {1807.06400, version 3}, url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/1807.06400}, year = 2022, pages = {}, month = jan, doi = {10.48550/arXiv.1807.06400}, comment = {Nothing to do with our AA.}, abstract = {Motivated by work of Kucharczyk and Scholze, we use sheafified rational Witt vectors to attach a new ringed space $W_{\mathrm{rat}}(X)$ to every scheme $X$. We also define $R$-valued points $W_{\mathrm{rat}}(X)(R)$ of $W_{\mathrm{rat}}(X)$ for every commutative ring R. For normal schemes $X$ of finite type over $\mathrm{spec}\mathbb{Z}$, using $W_{\mathrm{rat}}(X)(\mathbb{C})$ we construct infinite dimensional $\mathbb{C}$-dynamical systems whose periodic orbits are related to the closed points of $X$. Various aspects of these topological dynamical systems are studied. We also explain how certain p-adic points of $W_{\mathrm{rat}}(X)$ for $X$ the spectrum of a $p$-adic local number ring are related to the points of the Fargues-Fontaine curve. The new intrinsic construction of the dynamical systems generalizes and clarifies the original extrinsic construction in v.1 and v.2. Many further results have been added.} } @misc{ent-pir-22-symgrp-junk, author = {Entin, Alexei and Pirani, Noam}, title = {Abhyankar's Affine Arithmetic Conjecture for the Symmetric and Alternating Groups}, howpublished = {Online document at ArXiv Math.}, url = (https://arxiv.org/abs/2205.03879} number = {2205.03879}, pages = {13}, year = 2022, month = may, doi = {10.48550/arXiv.2205.03879}, comment = {Not related to AA at all, in spite of the title}, abstract = {We prove that for any prime $p > 2$, $q = p^\nu$ a power of $p$, $n \geq p$ and $G = S_n$ or $G = A_n$ (symmetric or alternating group) there exists a Galois extension $K/\mathbb{F}_q(T)$ ramified only over $\infinity$ with $\mathrm{Gal}(K/\mathbb{F}_q(T)) = G$, with the possible exception of $G = S_{p+1}$ if $F_q \supset F_{p^2}$. This confirms a conjecture of Abhyankar for the case of symmetric and alternating groups over finite fields of odd characteristic (with the possible exception of $S_{p+1}$ with $F_q \supset F_{p^2}$).} }