@inproceedings{hei-ahm-ali-ahm-16-aa-comperr, author = {Azar Heidari and Arash Ahmadi and Shahpour Alirezaee and Majid Ahmadi}, title = {A Modified Affine Arithmetic Method for Computational Error Analysis }, booktitle = {Proc. International Conference on Informatics, Management Engineering and Industrial Application (IMEIA 2016)}, location = {}, year = 2016, isbn = {978-1-60595-345-8}, comment = {Modified AA - what mod?}, abstract = {Computational precision always has been a concern in digital systems design and optimization. This study presents a modified Affine Arithmetic method to calculate uncertainty range in the output of arithmetic units. We have considered five case studies, namely: quadratic equation, RGB to CrYCb system, fourth-order equation, multivariate polynomial functions and low pass filter, by which the proposed method is evaluated. Presented results indicate the modified affine arithmetic can outperform the traditional methods.} }