Photos: Miscellaneous photos


aastolfi-1/p.png [226418 bytes]
Adriana Stolfi, Alberto Stolfi, and ???.
Photo taken ??/feb/98 by J. Stolfi.

abistolfi-3/p.png [139198 bytes]
Alberto Sunao Stolfi at UNICAMP.
Photo taken July 1997 by J. Stolfi.

abistolfi-4/p.png [233616 bytes]
Alberto Sunao Stolfi ("Jamanta")
and his SS Fraternity housemates in Piracicaba.
Photo taken ??? 2001 by ???.

abivitor-1/p.png [204536 bytes]
Victor Sarto, Alberto Stolfi, and ???.
Photo taken ??? by ???.

acom-tnor-1/p.png [139557 bytes]
Ângela Comba, Tiomari Noronha, and kids,
at Escondido Village, Stanford.
Photo taken ~Mar/1997 by J. Stolfi. 

afalcao-5/p.png [166718 bytes]
Alexandre Xavier Falcão, at ???.
Photo taken ??? 1999(?) by J. Stolfi.

afalcao-6/p.png [226962 bytes]
Alexandre Xavier Falcão, 
at the 1999 IC-UNICAMP "Mass Tenure" party.
Photo taken July 1999 by J. Stolfi.

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The XEROX Alto, grandfather of the Apple Macintosh.
On display at the 1997 ACM Programming Contest, San Jose, California.
Photo taken ~ Mar/1997 by J. Stolfi.

amandel-3/p.png [41456 bytes]
Arnaldo Mandel, at the X Escola de Computação.
Photo taken July/1966 by J. Stolfi.

amandel-5/p.png [85496 bytes]
Arnaldo Mandel at the IC-UNICAMP Sunsite inauguration.
Photo taken 11/Mar/1997 by J. Stolfi.

anamaria-3/p.png [148557 bytes]
Anamaria Gomide on the trail to Arthur's Seat, Edimburgh,
on the Saturday preceding the A4A4 conference.
Photo taken July 2001 by J. Stolfi.

anammont-3/p.png [98228 bytes]
Ana Maria Monteiro at
the 1997 IC-UNICAMP New Director cocktail party.
Photo taken 11/Mar/97 by J. Stolfi. 

andrek-2/p.png [33845 bytes]
André Kowaltowski
Scanned Dec/96 by J. Stolfi, from photo
provided by Tomasz Kowaltowski

ariadne-10/p.png [147884 bytes]
Ariadne Maria Brito Rizzoni Carvalho at 
the IC-UNICAMP Sunsite inauguration.
Photo taken 11/mar/1997 by J. Stolfi.

ariadne-12/p.png [136883 bytes]
Ariadne Maria Brito Rizzoni Carvalho, 
at the 1999 IC-UNICAMP Year-End party(?)
Photo taken ??/nov/1999 (?) by J. Stolfi

ariadne-3/p.png [33140 bytes]
Ariadne Maria Brito Rizzoni Carvalho,
at the X Escola de Computação.
Photo taken July/1966 by J. Stolfi.

ariadne-5/p.png [148195 bytes]
Ariadne Maria Brito Rizzoni Carvalho.
Photo taken Mar/96 by J. Stolfi.

ariadne-7/p.png [29934 bytes]
Ariadne Maria Brito Rizzoni Carvalho,
at Ariadne's 1996 birthday party,
which was also the IC-UNICAMP Creation party.
Photo taken 26/Mar/96 by J. Stolfi.

arnaldo-3/p.png [37763 bytes]
Arnaldo Vieira Moura at IC-UNICAMP
Photo taken ca. March-April 1997 by J. Stolfi

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Arnaldo Vieira Moura at IC-UNICAMP
Photo taken ca. March-April 1997 by J. Stolfi

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Maria Beatriz Felgar de Toledo at IC-UNICAMP.
Photo taken 09/apr/1998 by J. Stolfi.

camila-1/p.png [66139 bytes]
Maria Camila Pinto de Queirós at IC-UNICAMP.
Photo taken 08/apr/1998 by J. Stolfi.

cecilia-2/p.png [46655 bytes]
Maria Cecília Calani Baranauskas.
Photo taken 1994 by Ricardo Anido.

cecilia-4/p.png [202051 bytes]
Maria Cecília Calani Baranauskas, 
at the 1999 IC-UNICAMP Year-End party(?)
Photo taken ??/nov/1999 (?) by J. Stolfi

celia-5/p.png [36032 bytes]
Célia Picinin de Mello, 
at Ariadne's 1996 birthday party,
which was also the IC-UNICAMP Creation party.
Photo taken 26/Mar/96 by J. Stolfi.


Generated on Fri Nov 30 17:26:39 EDT 2001