# Last edited on 2015-06-30 00:21:47 by stolfilocal Bitcoin Tracker One (BITCOIN-XBT) on NASDAQ Nordic - Trading data Daily trade log taken from http://www.netfonds.se/quotes/tradelog.php?paper=BITCOIN-XBT.ST Other information from the BITCOIN-XBT summary pages: http://www.netfonds.se/quotes/ppaper.php?paper=BITCOIN-XBT.ST http://www.nasdaqomxnordic.com/etp/etn/etninfo?Instrument=SSE109538 The trades for each day ${DATE} were copypasted into a file named "${DATE}-trades.txt" and filtered with sed \ -e 's:\([0-9]\) \([0-9]\):\1\2:g' \ -e 's:\([A-Za-z]\) \([A-Za-z]\):\1\2:g' \ | gawk '/[0-9]/{ printf "%s %8.2f %8d %s %s\n", $1, $3, $2, $5, $6; }' \ | sort The total volume and mean price were computed with totalize_trades.gawk -v SpU=8.31 For each date, update the summary 00-SUMMARY.txt