Gavin Andresen - 2010-10-27 18:41:36

An impromptu brainstorm this morning in IRC chat (thanks everybody!) helped me think through a few issues for an "accounts" API.

The big idea:

Replace the JSON-RPC "label" API with the notion of "accounts".

What is broken about the current API?
 + you can't get a list of all transactions that make up an account's balance
 + if your bitcoin service has the notion of maintaining a balance for multiple
   customers then you end up mirroring information stored in the bitcoin wallet database.
   Mirroring is a problem because if the connection between your service and bitcoin
   fails at the wrong time (e.g. between sending a "sendtoaddress" and getting
   back "sent") your database can be out of sync with the bitcoin reality.

Problems this proposal does NOT tackle:
 + multiple "wallets" for GUI bitcoin users
 + improving anonymity by keeping "coins" from different people in different "wallets"
 + "push" notifications from bitcoin when coins are received (or blocks generated)

getaccountaddress <account>
move <fromaccount> <toaccount> <amount>
sendfrom <account> <tobitcoinaddress> <amount> [minconf=1] [comment] [comment-to]
listtransactions <account> [minconf=1] [count=10] [start=0]

getbalance [account] [minconf=1]

  return "account" instead of "label" in JSON-RPC result

  same API, but debits accounts as described below

setlabel --> setaccount
getlabel --> getaccountfromaddress
getaddressesbylabel -> getaddressesbyaccount
getreceivedbylabel -> getreceivedbyaccount
listreceivedbylabel -> listreceivedbyaccount
  ... returns "account" instead of "label" in result

METHODS REMOVED (deprecated):


All existing routines would continue to be supported for a while (e.g. listreceivedbylabel would be kept as a synonym for listreceivedbyaccount, and would return both "account" and "label" in the JSON result).

Coins going into or out of the wallet that don't have an associated account will be associated with a default account (named the empty string: ""). So sum(account balances) will always equal server account balance.

Generated coins will be assigned to the default account when they mature.

sendtoaddress, and the GUI "send" button, will debit accounts starting with the default account (if it has a non-zero balance) and continuing in alphabetical (ascii) order.the default address, which will be allowed to go negative.

None of these changes will be visible in the graphical user interface. These changes are for people running bitcoind to support bitcoin-related services, not for end-users.

It would be nice to support transactions by batching up several commmands and ensuring that they either all succeed or all fail.  But: this should be useful even without that feature.  The cleanest way of doing that is JSON-RPC-2.0 "batch send", and that all can come in a later version.

Why remove setlabel?  Because it is not clear what "setaccount <bitcoinaddrress>" means for old transactions that were received on that address-- do they remain credited to the old account (confusing!) or does history get rewritten so they are credited to the new account (your accountant/auditor will surely protest!).

UPDATE: svn rev 188 implements most of this (all but gettransactions).  And due to the disaster recovery scenario described below, 'setlabel' stays as 'setaccount'.