Gavin Andresen - 2011-02-08 16:21:14

Wiki for the trade page is a fantastic idea.

And I like the idea of a re-organized, simplified home page.  Who should the home page target?  I think there are few potential audiences; successful web sites design their home pages to one or more specific types of visitors.  For bitcoin, I think visitors are likely to be:

1. Geeks who are interested in "how is bitcoin supposed to work."

2. Geeks who are interested in "how can I use bitcoin for a project I'm thinking of working on."

3. Non-geeks who are interested in "what the heck is bitcoin and why should I care."

There are also several audiences I don't think should target (for example, people hoping that bitcoin is a way to get rich quick).  Am I missing anybody?

I've been busy putting together a 5-minute talk for audience number 3; I think I can re-purpose some of what I wrote for the website.