Gavin Andresen - 2011-02-15 21:47:56

@s{quotedtext} @s{quotedtext}
I'm lost.  Who are X and Y?  You're going to spam the network with payments to X == yourself and Y == the corner grocery store in the hopes of... what?

Remember the original attack: @s{quotedtext} @s{quotedtext}
Again, it seems to me some rules that make attempted double-spends more costly to those who attempt to pull off double-spends might be a good idea.

theymos' objection (that there's no real incentive for miners to try to detect/punish double spends) is worth thinking about.  Is there enough "interest in the common good" for miners to spend some CPU cycles so that the bitcoin system as a whole is more robust, or would self-interest lead to a tragedy of the commons where miners do the absolute minimum to just get their blocks accepted?

bfever:  my gut reaction is that the "fast payment problem" won't be solved by more complicated transactions.  And my gut reaction to more complicated transactions is that that the more complicated something is the more likely it is to have security holes....