Gavin Andresen - 2012-12-09 17:06:59

@s{quotedtext} @s{quotedtext}
I think Jon has been pretty consistently on the "less regulation is better regulation" side of the debate. Given that the big criticism of the Bitcoin Foundation (and Mt. Gox) around here was that it is on the "more regulation" side of the fence, I find your comment kind of amusing.

As for it being "a big pile of fail" :  I think reasonable people can disagree here.  I have no idea whether trying to work inside the existing system or working around the existing system is a better approach. You have your opinion, Jon has his, I think we'll be arguing about it for years to come; happily, there doesn't have to be One True Answer.  I just hope we don't spend all our time sniping at each other over the best One True Way to reach the goals that we all share.