Gavin Andresen - 2010-11-23 01:03:24

Is there no longer a way to place labels on a per-transaction basis?

There never was a way to place labels on a per-transaction basis.  It was always a one-label-to-multiple-bitcoin-addresses association.

But all of the old label functionality is still there, just renamed.  You should be able to do anything you were doing before.

However, you might think you were doing something that you weren't actually doing.  There was no way to label/name particular transactions before (just addresses).

RE: the empty string as the default account:   None of this is (or will be) visible to GUI users, and if you're a programmer using the JSON or the command-line interface SURELY you know how to quote strings.

RE: hierarchical wallet keys:  Huh?  If you want trivial searching and grouping... then export the info into a database and use SQL.