Gavin Andresen - 2010-12-07 21:01:32

Thanks for all the great feedback!

Maybe one way to think about ClearCoin is as a tool to help manage risk between buyer and seller.

If the buyer completely trusts the seller, then you don't need ClearCoin-- just send bitcoins directly.
If the seller completely trusts the buyer, then just send the product first.

Usually there's some level of trust/mistrust between buyer and seller.  If you use ClearCoin in creative ways, you should be able to come up with a way of using ClearCoin that balances the risks to both buyers and sellers.

To take davout's example:  The person paying could deposit 20% of the funds in a ClearCoin account, then immediately release that 20% as a "good faith payment".  Then they deposit the other 80%.

That gives an 80/20 risk split.   "Half now, half on delivery" type arrangements can be done the same way.

davidonpda:  You can choose how long your coins will be tied up when you create the escrow account-- one month, six months, or a year.  Of course, the longer they're held the more comfortable the person on the other side of the transaction will be.

PS to Vinnie:  ClearWing Software is the company; ClearCoin is the service.