Gavin Andresen - 2010-12-29 20:58:04

Anything we could/should do to prepare for deep packet inspection?

I don't think that belongs in Bitcoin-- I like solutions like i2p or ssh tunneling that put encryption down at the lower network layer (where it belongs, in my humble opinion).

Decentralised development. Perhaps a mirror to freenet might be good. Also, getting into other languages in different countries is important; completely separate development there too. If USA gets shut down perhaps .ru continues because most English speakers are ignorant to Russian, for example.

Are you worried about SourceForge and GitHub (the two 'official' trees) being forced, or deciding, to drop bitcoin?  At this point lots of developers have their own copies of the source code, I'm sure if that happened another site (maybe a hidden monotone repository inside the anonymous i2p network) would spring up.

They can't stop the signal...