Gavin Andresen - 2011-02-22 20:29:42

RE: a checklist:

For the next release, I will write a script that does all of the build/package steps.  I'll let the computer run the checklist for me... and the whole process should be much quicker, easier and smoother.


Fixed builds are at sourceforge, named 'bitcoin-' to try to avoid confusion.
The mac build was also; I am going to update that .zip when we get a .01 build, and I think I'll rename the
linux downloads to be consistent and, again, to try to avoid confusion.

SHA checksums:

3fe4c5f2a5406322a2f116b30aefbd402b079940  bitcoin-

The public Amazon AMI virtual machine image used to build them is:
 ami-7a21d213   982440761210/BitcoinMinGW