Gavin Andresen - 2011-04-11 02:14:01

I'd rather see more non-technical bitcoin-related videos rather then "this is what the block chain looks like" technical videos.

I'm going to brain dump some half-baked thoughts:

So I watched this talk by Jonathan Haidt on the moral roots of liberals and conservatives and started thinking about how it might apply to more mainstream acceptance of Bitcoin.  If Jonathan is right, then I think conservatives will find reasons to hate bitcoin, but liberals might be convinced to love it.

So what are the videos that liberals love?  Well, there's The Story of Stuff, which I think is wrong-headed but is incredibly popular.

I'd like to see a video targeted towards left-leaning people that argues from their world-view-- why the existing monetary system is unfair and benefits a rich elite at the expense of the working masses.  How Bitcoin can change that and be a People-Powered money, backed not by empty promises from rich bankers but by the strength and trust of the person-to-person Bitcoin Community.  How friends and neighbors using Bitcoin can keep money in local communities.  How using Bitcoin lets you interact with people all over the world, promoting peace and understanding.  How it is better for the environment than gold mining or trucking coins and cash to and from stores and banks.

Of course, early adopter libertarian-leaning bitcoiners will probably HATE it, but they wouldn't be the target audience...