Gavin Andresen - 2011-04-20 19:30:57

I don't want to speak for any of the other dev team members, but I tend to prioritize massive re-orgs like this below just about any other change.  They create a lot of noise, making sifting through history more difficult (even though git helps with this).  They break existing patches.

And in the language-specific arena, the two-files-per-class (.h, .cpp) creates an absolute explosion of tiny files, which is frankly a pain in the ass.

After putting together the 0.3.21 release candidate today, I'm thinking after 0.3.21 is out the door it might be a good time to do a major source tree re-org.   I like the idea of following the GNU directory layout standard, and it would make my job easier if source was in src/, readmes/etc were in doc/, scripts to automate the Windows build were in build/, etc.

PS: jaromil is the second person I've heard who says they'd prefer a development mailing list.  I don't care one way or another, but it would be easy to create one using SourceForge's mailing list feature.  What do others think?