Gavin Andresen - 2011-11-12 16:46:31

Features seem to be considered stable way too quickly. I'd like a version scheme like this:
- Add new features to 0.5.
- At some point, stop adding new features to 0.5 and call that the "unstable" release. Start adding new features to 0.6.
- 0.4 remains the "stable" release for at least 6 months, and it is recommend that newbies use this version. The unstable version is also available in binary form and can be easily used.
- Once 0.5 has been unstable for 6+ months, call that one stable.
- As many past 0.x releases as possible continue to get bugfixes for people who like to use really stable software.

I'm still using 0.3.19, and it works fine with only a few modifications. I avoided several bugs by doing this.

Once this problem is fixed, it would be a good idea to issue an alert for users of affected versions. Maybe not many users are affected, but it seems irresponsible to not notify these users when they can be notified.

Luke-Jr is planning on supporting 0.4-based releases (finding somebody to fix wxWidgets-related bugs is an issue, though).

The issue I have with calling any pre-1.0-release 'stable' is it implies a level of maturity that I don't think we're at yet. I can see 1-year develompment->unstable->stable release cycles once we're at a solid Bitcoin 1.0 release that I can actually feel comfortable recommending to my non-geek relatives.

My fear is that developers would happily code away and use the development branch, bugs would pile up against the unstable branch (and would get ignored because developers were happily coding away on dev, and nobody really wants to do bug fixing or QA testing), and unstable would never become stable enough to tag 'stable.' But I've never led an open source software project before, so I might very well be wrong (best way to convince me is to point to other small open source projects that we can emulate-- I don't think emulating big projects like Ubuntu will work).

I agree that when a fix has been tested and is available an alert to the affected versions is a good idea.

IMO, You guys need to figure out an organized way to fund Gavin's work.
IIRC, Gavin is paid full time for Bitcoin development as well as some other guy for Bitcoin QA.
Unfortunately, TruCoin ran into a funding crunch because an investor got cold feet and had to stop paying for anything besides directly-related-to-TruCoin work.