Gavin Andresen - 2011-12-21 00:38:40

RE: documentation about key encryption:

See the comment at the top of crypter.h:

Private key encryption is done based on a CMasterKey,                                                                                                   
which holds a salt and random encryption key.                                                                                                           
CMasterKeys are encrypted using AES-256-CBC using a key                                                                                                 
derived using derivation method nDerivationMethod                                                                                                       
(0 == EVP_sha512()) and derivation iterations nDeriveIterations.                                                                                       
vchOtherDerivationParameters is provided for alternative algorithms                                                                                     
which may require more parameters (such as scrypt).                                                                                                     
Wallet Private Keys are then encrypted using AES-256-CBC                                                                                               
with the double-sha256 of the public key as the IV, and the                                                                                             
master key's key as the encryption key (see keystore.[ch]).                                                                                             

The way I think of it:  Take the passphrase and salt and SHA512-hash them nDerivationIterations times.  That gets you an encryption key and initialization vector.

Use those to AES-256-decrypt the encrypted_key master key.

Now you can AES-256-decrypt the private keys, using the master key as the key and the (double-sha256-hash) PUBLIC part of the keypair as the initialization vector.

The "SHA-512-hash them a bunch of times" is actually done by the OpenSSL EVP_BytesToKey routine-- documentation for that is here: