Gavin Andresen - 2014-01-12 22:12:24

I've accepted an invitation to do a question and answer session at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) in Washington, DC on Thursday, February 6, 2014.

I've been told anything related to the Council on Foreign Relations tickle's peoples Grand Conspiracy buttons, so I thought it would be best to be open about exactly what will happen. I hope it doesn't spark as long a thread as my visit to the CIA, but Bitcoin is a lot bigger than when I visited the CIA...

Anyway, here's the invitation I received:

On behalf of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), I write to invite you to speak to our Washington-based members as part of our Voices of the Next Generation series. This program seeks to bring together our members with fresh, young voices in the nation’s foreign policy discourse. Given your work with BitCoin, you would be an important addition to the series. In the past, the Voices of the Next Generation series has featured Esther Duflo, Abdul Latif Jameel professor of poverty alleviation and development economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Ayman Mohyeldin, Middle East correspondent, Al-Jazeera English, and Jennifer Pahlka, founder and executive director, Code for America.

CFR is a nonpartisan national membership organization and think tank, as well as the publisher of Foreign Affairs. Among our members are many past and present U.S. presidents, secretaries of state, defense, and treasury, as well as other senior U.S. government officials, renowned scholars, and major leaders of American business, media, and nongovernmental groups.

The format of the event will be a 90-minute question&answer session, moderated by somebody yet-to-be-determined. It will be "on the record," meaning press could be invited to attend and recordings and/or transcripts may be posted on CFR's website.

The audience will be CFR members and invited guests (and maybe press); it is not open to the public. I am not getting paid by the CFR.