Gavin Andresen - 2014-10-23 13:50:34

I continue to maintain that market forces can rightsize MAX_BLOCK_SIZE if an algorithm with a feedback mechanism can be introduced, and that doing so introduces both less centralization risk than an arbitrary patch, and less risk of future manual arbitrary adjustments.
Fix it right, fix it once.

I think you are confusing MAX_BLOCKSIZE with the floating, whatever-the market-demands blocksize.

MAX_BLOCKSIZE is, in my mind, purely a safety valve-- a "just in case" upper limit to make sure it doesn't grow faster than affordable hardware and software can support.

Ideally, we never bump into it. If we go with my proposal (increase to 20MB now, then double ten times over the next twenty years) I think it is reasonably likely the market-determined size will never bump into MAX_BLOCKSIZE.

I think it is very unlikely that in 20 years we will need to support more Bitcoin transactions than all of the cash, credit card and international wire transactions that happen in the world today (and that is the scale of transactions that a pretty-good year-2035 home computer and network connection should be able to support).