# Gavin Andresen # 2010-10-22 16:06:08 # https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1538.msg18082#msg18082 I spent way too many hours yesterday trying to figure out why my Google App Engine code couldn't urlfetch from my -rpcssl bitcoin process, so I'm posting this to hopefully save somebody else from the frustration. @p{par} I made Bitcoin's HTTPS-JSON-RPC code fussy about what openssl ciphers it supports on purpose; by default, it doesn't accept SSLV1 connections or older, weaker ciphers or hashing algorithms (like single-DES and MD5). @p{par} Surprisingly, Google's App Engine urlfetch service currently ONLY supports RC4/DES/MD5/SHA, so, by default, App Engine can't talk via https to Bitcoin. The workaround is easy (use the -rpcsslciphers= option to override the ciphers bitcoin will accept), and I'll document this on the @p{(link}rpcssl wiki page@p{link)}. @p{par} And hopefully Google will get with the program and support better encryption... @p{brk}