# Gavin Andresen # 2010-11-24 02:27:43 # https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1899.msg23980#msg23980 MrFlibble: "Fair" is one set of coins (however many the Faucet is giving out at the time@p{--} hopefully, bitcoins will continue to become more valuable, and I'll give out fewer over time...) per person. @p{par} I like the postcard idea, although I'm not willing to type in bitcoin addresses written on postcards! @p{par} Hmm... any stamp collectors here? Paying people bitcoins to send you postcards (with stamps on them) might be really fun... @p{par} And re: using OpenID instead of a Google Account: that'd be easy to implement, but way too easy for cheaters (who can just be their own OpenID provider and give themselves as many OpenIDs as they want). @p{brk}