# Gavin Andresen # 2010-12-06 15:30:02 # https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2089.msg27361#msg27361 @s{quotedtext} @s{quotedtext} @p{brk} My automatic backup strategy is: @p{par} Cron task that runs a shell script twice a day. @p{par} The shell script does: @p{brk} call bitcoind backupwallet to create a time/date-stamped wallet file @p{brk} gpg encrypt the wallet with my public key @p{brk} copy the result to an off-machine backup location @p{brk} (I'm using Amazon S3, which is itself redundantly backed up to multiple geographic locations automatically) @p{par} Shell script looks like: @p{brk} Code: #!/usr/bin/env bash @p{par} GPGU="Gavin Andresen" @p{par} TS=$(date "+%Y%m%d-%H-%M") @p{par} WALLET=/tmp/clearcoinwallet${TS} @p{brk} WALLET_E=/tmp/clearcoinwallet${TS}.crypt @p{par} ~/bin/bitcoind backupwallet $WALLET @p{brk} /usr/bin/gpg -r "$GPGU" @p{--}output $WALLET_E @p{--}encrypt $WALLET @p{brk} ~/bin/s3cmd put $WALLET_E s3://NAME_OF_MY_S3_BUCKET @p{brk} rm $WALLET $WALLET_E @p{brk} @p{brk} I'd suggest doing something similar (replace the s3cmd with an scp to copy somewhere if you're not an S3 user; you could even ftp somewhere, since the wallet is encrypted it doesn't matter if somebody is eavesdropping). @p{brk}