# Gavin Andresen # 2010-12-14 16:37:40 # https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2227.msg30108#msg30108 If you're simulating, be sure you're not overlooking the 'opportunity cost' of working on the next-valid-block when you're 'holding back' blocks. @p{par} Example: @p{par} Cartel finds block N. Instead of releasing it right away, Cartel holds it and starts working on block N+1 (trying to get a head start). @p{par} Before Cartel finds block N+1, somebody else finds an alternate block N and announces it. @p{par} IF Cartel loses the race to announce, then Cartel has wasted time looking for a block N+1 that will not be accepted. @p{par} If they simply announce block N right away, they'll never waste time trying to find a block N+1 that has only a 50% chance of being accepted. @p{par} Unless the Cartel can propagate their blocks across the network faster than the whole rest of the network, there is never an advantage to holding back blocks. @p{brk}