# Gavin Andresen # 2010-12-29 21:28:13 # https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2522.msg34135#msg34135 I'd love to see a pure-Javascript front-end GUI for bitcoind developed. @p{par} I'm tempted to write one myself, but I've got a lot of other things on my TODO list right now. Here's what I'm imagining: @p{par} + Open source, pure JavaScript interface to bitcoin that communicates with a running bitcoin/bitcoind using the JSON-RPC api. @p{par} + Open up the index.html page that is the GUI and you'd be asked for the host:port (default: localhost:8332), username and password. @p{par} + From there, you'd have a nice Javascript/HTML GUI showing all your wallet transactions (using RPC listtransactions). @p{par} + And it'd show your default receiving address, have a Send Bitcoins button, etc. @p{par} + And it'd poll bitcoin/bitcoind every, oh, minute or so to look for new transactions. @p{par} I'm imagining shipping a webGUI/index.html (plus associated CSS/javascript/etc) as part of the bitcoin(d) source package. @p{brk}