# Gavin Andresen # 2011-02-02 16:55:18 # https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3121.msg43647#msg43647 Good idea. @p{par} I think the first spot for plugins in bitcoin should be "send address resolver" services@p{--} If I tell bitcoin "send 100 bitcoins to @p{(link}obama@whitehouse.gov@p{link)}" it could ask the plug-in resolvers (in some user-defined order) "do you have a bitcoin address for @p{(link}obama@whitehouse.gov@p{link)}" ? @p{par} If I tell bitcoin "send 100 bitcoins to eff.org" maybe a different resolver is used (DNSSec query to eff.org to get a bitcoin donation address, perhaps). Or "send 11 bitcoins to +01-1-805-253-2751" ... @p{par} There are lots of potential problems, of course, ranging from what if the resolver software service/author starts redirecting bitcoins to them to what if the user misspells the destination. That's why I think starting with a way of pluggin-in different solutions to try is the right way to start.