# Gavin Andresen # 2011-02-26 17:25:36 # https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3903.msg55623#msg55623 I'm looking for feedback and suggestions for a new ClearCoin feature: refund-to-charity @p{par} Here's how it works: @p{par} When Alice creates an escrow account at ClearCoin she says that, if the coins in the account are not released, they'll be donated to charity. @p{par} She then funds the account, and shows Bob (the person she's trading with) that the coins are sitting in escrow. @p{par} Alice knows that if Bob doesn't complete the trade he won't get the coins. @p{brk} Bob knows that if Alice doesn't release the coins she won't get them either. @p{par} So neither Alice nor Bob has a strong incentive to cheat. They each have a weak incentive if they'd rather the charity get the coins (and they're not worried about potential harm to their reputation). @p{par} I've got an initial implementation up and running, with the list of charities from the Bitcoin wiki Trade page. @p{brk} I'm thinking of a few enhancements, and would love feedback on which ones you think are critical and which would be just nice-to-have: @p{par} 1. Give Bob (the person receiving the coins) a way to setup the escrow and send a link to Alice (who controls the account). @p{brk} 2. Let Bob and Alice agree (in advance) to refund the bitcoins to an arbitrary address instead of a fixed list of charities. @p{brk} 3. If the coins are refunded to charity, show Alice and Bob the transaction ID so it is easier for them to make sure ClearCoin isn't taking the coins. @p{par} General feedback, criticism, etc. is also very welcome! @p{brk}