# Gavin Andresen # 2011-04-20 13:30:49 # https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=6159.msg90482#msg90482 @s{quotedtext} @s{quotedtext} @p{brk} The 0.3.21 release (I hope to have a release candidate available today) will support full-precision values@p{--} you will be able to send 1.00123456 BTC, if you like. @p{par} Sending less than 0.01 BTC still requires a 0.01 BTC fee, though. Changing that to "sending less than 0.01 BTC requires a 0.001 BTC fee" might be worth thinking about, but I think there are higher priorities on the core bitcoin TODO list. @p{brk}