# Gavin Andresen # 2011-05-02 17:47:14 # https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=7068.msg103407#msg103407 I launched a new version of the Bitcoin Faucet today, with a few changes: @p{par} 1. Payout is now 0.02 bitcoins (down from 0.05), to reflect the rise in value of bitcoins versus other currencies. @p{par} 2. @p{(link}Recent Sends@p{link)} page, showing scrambled email addresses and (not scrambled) IP addresses of the last 100 people to get coins from the Faucet. @p{par} 3. Behind the scenes, faucet payouts are bundled up and sent in batches every N minutes, to minimize the fees that the Faucet pays. @p{par} I want to recruit some trusted volunteers to be "Faucet Police" @p{--} if somebody notices a fishy pattern of either IP addresses or email addresses, I'll give the Faucet Police the ability to temporarily stop the flow of coins from the Faucet. @p{par} If you're willing to help out and you've got a good reputation/history here on the forums, email me (@p{(link}gavinandresen@gmail.com@p{link)}) your google account information along with what time zone you're usually in, and I'll try to pick a couple handfuls of people so no matter what time of day or night, somebody will be awake and ready to turn off the spigot. @p{brk}