# Gavin Andresen # 2011-07-05 20:00:35 # https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5920.msg328468#msg328468 Losing double-spent transactions should probably be reported as -1/unconfirmed, -2/unconfirmed, etc @p{--} meaning "there is a N-confirmed transaction that conflicts with this one." @p{par} -6/unconfirmed seems like the natural "this transaction ain't never gonna be confirmed, time to report it as -N/orphan." @p{par} -1/unconfirmed should be enough to stop re-transmitting it. @p{par} And -120/orphan seems like a safe time to "unspend" any inputs (let them be spent by new transactions) that weren't spent by the other, conflicting transaction. @p{par} ... he says nonchalantly, knowing full well that actually making bitcoin behave that way means a lot of very careful coding and lots and lots of careful testing... @p{par} The shortcut, maybe-good-enough-for-now solution: export all the private keys from all the messed up wallets. Start with a clean wallet, then re-import all the private keys and let the clean-slate bitcoin figure it all out. @p{par}