# Gavin Andresen # 2011-08-13 15:38:36 # https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=36868.msg453528#msg453528 @s{quotedtext} @s{quotedtext} @p{brk} Really? You do realize that will just start an arms race with maxmint; he or she will write code to detect and ban bots, somebody will deploy bots via multiple IP addresses to workaround, maxmint will be forced to add a CAPTCHA, etc... @p{par} maxmint: it can be kind of fun to try to scam the scammers. If you detect them, just never let them win (but don't tell them you're not letting them win). @p{par} However, they'll eventually figure out you're doing that. The only way to win the arms race is to make it more expensive for the scammers to win than the reward. If I recall correctly, getting around one-per-IP-address and CAPTCHA restrictions costs a scammer a few US pennies. If you're giving away 1BTC worth $10, then you'll have to make sure the scammers will have to solve several thousand captchas to win.