# Gavin Andresen # 2011-08-24 00:08:39 # https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=38928.msg476630#msg476630 @s{quotedtext} @s{quotedtext} @p{brk} The multi-device use-case I'm imagining: @p{par} I sign up with Acme Bitcoin Security Solutions, Inc. They give me a WalletProtection public key (or bitcoin address, doesn't matter) and a unique-for-me URL. I put the address/pubkey into my bitcoin client as "Second factor off-device Send Authentication." Or something. @p{brk} (ABBS also sends me the private key in the mail and tells me to keep it safe in case they go out of business) @p{par} Now I want all coins sent to me to require signatures from keys in my wallet AND the ABBS key to spend. @p{par} What bitcoin address do I give to people so that all coins going into my wallet have that property? @p{par} If it is raw CHECKMULTISIG, then I need to give out addresses containing 2 full public keys. Which would be 186 characters in base58 and look something like this: @p{brk} LeFKX5Uhue9B4bVNqFouRdH9xyJ4uVksV16Gc3v5Kov6SEtyUmKmF3j582VHcmhKGEfBXvrft6SHAq4SQPw5kbGryZj4aGqZKGFSPsotRJvrmQXCT8qZ2LZd3KyxFLDt1rsBx2uisukHPvBnyCpbyVdgNhyQYnz3Cf4oakK9Rm6oxFHwjHxHnnbdW3 @p{par} Using 20-byte hashes and the more complicated 2-of-2 transaction i'm proposing, the address is a more reasonable 61 chars: @p{brk} 2SEe6qhJ11baZfpk9qXt3gfz3qAgFj4BMc2FXh9ojoBoLU4GAhft1hJAb5TAK @p{par}