# Gavin Andresen # 2011-09-16 17:07:21 # https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=44330.msg529172#msg529172 RE: cannot act as a RPC client: @p{par} I believe it will still be able to act as a RPC server. @p{par} So you can run the GUI with the -server switch, but you'll have to talk to it using (for example) @p{brk} bitcoind getinfo @p{par} ... as opposed to today, where you can run "bitcoin -server" to get the GUI and then run "bitcoin getinfo" to talk to the running GUI process. @p{par} RE: why switch: because no wxwidgets programmers stepped up and made it better. And from what I can see, QT is more popular and supported (so there are more programmers able and willing to help improve). @p{par} RE: screen shots: See the bitcoin-qt thread in the Alternative Clients sub-forum here. @p{brk}