# Gavin Andresen # 2011-12-02 00:20:43 # https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=53505.msg637787#msg637787 How: @p{par} CNode::Misbehaving(int howmuch) is called when code detects that a peer is doing something out-of-the-ordinary. In this case, if a peer sends you a block that can't possibly be in the best chain, Misbehaving(100) is called. @p{par} When a Node accumulates a misbehavior score greater than or equal to "-banscore" (default 100), their connection is dropped and their IP address is banned from reconnecting for "-bantime" seconds (default 24 hours). @p{par} When are they un-banned: @p{par} After -bantime seconds. But the list of banned IP addresses is stored in memory, so if you shutdown and restart bitcoin everybody is un-banned. @p{par} There is no way to see the list of currently banned nodes, but you will see "Disconnected n.n.n.n for misbehavior" and "connection from n.n.n.n dropped (banned)" in the debug.log. @p{brk}