# Gavin Andresen # 2012-01-31 15:41:03 # https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=62037.msg724221#msg724221 RE: debating ideas rather than people: I've tried very hard to do that. @p{par} I said last year when I reluctantly agreed to function as the lead core bitcoin developer that I have zero experience leading open source projects. But I try to do my due-diligence and learn from the experience of other successful projects. @p{par} The "aha" moment for me yesterday is the point in the video that I linked to, where the advice is to evaluate whether or not somebody causing issues for a project (whether intentional or not) is a net positive or negative to the project, and if they're "more trouble than they're worth" get them out of the project. @p{par} This isn't about BIP 16 versus BIP 17, this is about one person draining the rest of the development team with nagging, idealogical rigidity, and holy wars against "impure" ideas. @p{par} I try very hard to consider that maybe I'm wrong, but I think the evidence is clear. @p{par} You might also argue that the subversion people take the wrong approach, in which case please send me a link to some other open source project that has dealt with the issue in a different/better way. @p{par} I thought carefully about where to start this, and decided I might as well start it in the most public bitcoin discussion forum, because I think if I started it anywhere else it would eventually just appear here as "There's a Secret Conspiracy Started By Gavin To Oust A Valued Developer!" @p{brk}