# Gavin Andresen # 2012-02-21 22:30:59 # https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=64279.msg761820#msg761820 @s{quotedtext} @s{quotedtext} @p{brk} I really like your idea of scaling up difficulty based on the number of domain operations in a block to prevent the key:value database from growing arbitrarily big. @p{par} It seems to me that should be enough to make domain operation pricing correct; I don't see why there needs to be a block reward or fees, I assume the registrars will charge whatever they need to charge to make a profit, and I would strongly encourage you to avoid making the DNS system yet-another-currency. I'd like to use dollars or euros or bitcoins (preferably bitcoins) to pay for my domain names, please. @p{par} I imagine a system something like: @p{par} + I give some money to a registrar, and ask them to register/renew/transfer 'gavinandresen.dianna' @p{par} + The registrar makes sure the register/renew/transfer operation is valid @p{par} + The registrar bundles up a bunch of register/renew/transfer operations and then asks/pays a Bitcoin miner to merge-mine that hash to securely timestamp those changes @p{par} + After they're timestamped, the registrar asks that all of those record changes be inserted into a shared distributed hash table, providing the DIANNA proof-of-work and the bitcoin block hash. @p{par} + The nodes maintaining the shared DHT make sure the records have the right DIANNA proof-of-work, that the bitcoin block is valid, and that the changes aren't over-ridden by a later bitcoin block, and then update the records. @p{par}