# Gavin Andresen # 2012-03-30 15:19:38 # https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=74737.msg827484#msg827484 Bitcoin version 0.6.0 is now available for download at: @p{brk} @s{(link)} @p{par} This release includes more than 20 language localizations. @p{brk} More translations are welcome; join the @p{brk} project at Transifex to help: @p{brk} @s{(link)} @p{par} Please report bugs using the issue tracker at github: @p{brk} @s{(link)} @p{par} Project source code is hosted at github; we are no longer @p{brk} distributing .tar.gz files here, you can get them @p{brk} directly from github: @p{brk} @s{(link)} # .tar.gz @p{brk} @s{(link)} # .zip @p{par} For Ubuntu users, there is a ppa maintained by Matt Corallo which @p{brk} you can add to your system so that it will automatically keep @p{brk} bitcoin up-to-date. Just type @p{brk} sudo apt-add-repository ppa:bitcoin/bitcoin @p{brk} in your terminal, then install the bitcoin-qt package. @p{par} @p{brk} KNOWN ISSUES @p{brk} @p{@p{--}-}@p{@p{--}-}@p{@p{--}-}@p{@p{--}-} @p{par} Shutting down while synchronizing with the network @p{brk} (downloading the blockchain) can take more than a minute, @p{brk} because database writes are queued to speed up download @p{brk} time. @p{par} @p{brk} NEW FEATURES SINCE BITCOIN VERSION 0.5 @p{brk} @p{@p{--}-}@p{@p{--}-}@p{@p{--}-}@p{@p{--}-}@p{@p{--}-}@p{@p{--}-}@p{@p{--}-}@p{@p{--}-}@p{@p{--}-}@p{@p{--}-}@p{@p{--}-}@p{@p{--}-}@p{--} @p{par} Initial network synchronization should be much faster @p{brk} (one or two hours on a typical machine instead of ten or more @p{brk} hours). @p{par} Backup Wallet menu option. @p{par} Bitcoin-Qt can display and save QR codes for sending @p{brk} and receiving addresses. @p{par} New context menu on addresses to copy/edit/delete them. @p{par} New Sign Message dialog that allows you to prove that you @p{brk} own a bitcoin address by creating a digital @p{brk} signature. @p{par} New wallets created with this version will @p{brk} use 33-byte 'compressed' public keys instead of @p{brk} 65-byte public keys, resulting in smaller @p{brk} transactions and less traffic on the bitcoin @p{brk} network. The shorter keys are already supported @p{brk} by the network but wallet.dat files containing @p{brk} short keys are not compatible with earlier @p{brk} versions of Bitcoin-Qt/bitcoind. @p{par} New command-line argument -blocknotify=@p{lt}command@s{gt} @p{brk} that will spawn a shell process to run @p{lt}command@s{gt} @p{brk} when a new block is accepted. @p{par} New command-line argument -splash=0 to disable @p{brk} Bitcoin-Qt's initial splash screen @p{par} validateaddress JSON-RPC api command output includes @p{brk} two new fields for addresses in the wallet: @p{brk} pubkey : hexadecimal public key @p{brk} iscompressed : true if pubkey is a short 33-byte key @p{par} New JSON-RPC api commands for dumping/importing @p{brk} private keys from the wallet (dumprivkey, importprivkey). @p{par} New JSON-RPC api command for getting information about @p{brk} blocks (getblock, getblockhash). @p{par} New JSON-RPC api command (getmininginfo) for getting @p{brk} extra information related to mining. The getinfo @p{brk} JSON-RPC command no longer includes mining-related @p{brk} information (generate/genproclimit/hashespersec). @p{par} @p{par} NOTABLE CHANGES @p{brk} @p{@p{--}-}@p{@p{--}-}@p{@p{--}-}@p{@p{--}-}@p{@p{--}-} @p{par} BIP30 implemented (security fix for an attack involving @p{brk} duplicate "coinbase transactions"). @p{par} The -nolisten, -noupnp and -nodnsseed command-line @p{brk} options were renamed to -listen, -upnp and -dnsseed, @p{brk} with a default value of 1. The old names are still @p{brk} supported for compatibility (so specifying -nolisten @p{brk} is automatically interpreted as -listen=0; every @p{brk} boolean argument can now be specified as either @p{brk} -foo or -nofoo). @p{par} The -noirc command-line options was renamed to @p{brk} -irc, with a default value of 0. Run -irc=1 to @p{brk} get the old behavior. @p{par} Three fill-up-available-memory denial-of-service @p{brk} attacks were fixed. @p{par} NOT YET IMPLEMENTED FEATURES @p{brk} @p{@p{--}-}@p{@p{--}-}@p{@p{--}-}@p{@p{--}-}@p{@p{--}-}@p{@p{--}-}@p{@p{--}-}@p{@p{--}-}@p{@p{--}-}- @p{par} Support for clicking on bitcoin: URIs and @p{brk} opening/launching Bitcoin-Qt is available only on Linux, @p{brk} and only if you configure your desktop to launch @p{brk} Bitcoin-Qt. All platforms support dragging and dropping @p{brk} bitcoin: URIs onto the Bitcoin-Qt window to start @p{brk} payment. @p{par} @p{brk} PRELIMINARY SUPPORT FOR MULTISIGNATURE TRANSACTIONS @p{brk} @p{@p{--}-}@p{@p{--}-}@p{@p{--}-}@p{@p{--}-}@p{@p{--}-}@p{@p{--}-}@p{@p{--}-}@p{@p{--}-}@p{@p{--}-}@p{@p{--}-}@p{@p{--}-}@p{@p{--}-}@p{@p{--}-}@p{@p{--}-}@p{@p{--}-}@p{@p{--}-}@p{@p{--}-} @p{par} This release has preliminary support for multisignature @p{brk} transactions@p{--} transactions that require authorization @p{brk} from more than one person or device before they @p{brk} will be accepted by the bitcoin network. @p{par} Prior to this release, multisignature transactions @p{brk} were considered 'non-standard' and were ignored; @p{brk} with this release multisignature transactions are @p{brk} considered standard and will start to be relayed @p{brk} and accepted into blocks. @p{par} It is expected that future releases of Bitcoin-Qt @p{brk} will support the creation of multisignature transactions, @p{brk} once enough of the network has upgraded so relaying @p{brk} and validating them is robust. @p{par} For this release, creation and testing of multisignature @p{brk} transactions is limited to the bitcoin test network using @p{brk} the "addmultisigaddress" JSON-RPC api call. @p{par} Short multisignature address support is included in this @p{brk} release, as specified in BIP 13 and BIP 16. @p{par} @p{brk} Thanks to everybody who contributed to this release: @p{par} Alex B @p{brk} Alistair Buxton @p{brk} Chris Moore @p{brk} Clark Gaebel @p{brk} Daniel Folkinshteyn @p{brk} Dylan Noblesmith @p{brk} Forrest Voight @p{brk} Gavin Andresen @p{brk} Gregory Maxwell @p{brk} Janne Pulkkinen @p{brk} Joel Kaartinen @p{brk} Lars Rasmusson @p{brk} Luke Dashjr @p{brk} Matt Corallo @p{brk} Michael Ford @p{brk} Michael Hendricks @p{brk} Nick Bosma @p{brk} Nils Schneider @p{brk} Philip Kaufmann @p{brk} Pierre Pronchery @p{brk} Pieter Wuille @p{brk} Rune K Svendsen @p{brk} Wladimir J. van der Laan @p{brk} coderrr @p{brk} p2k @p{brk} sje397 @p{par} Special thanks to Sergio Lerner and Matt Corallo for bringing @p{brk} potential denial-of-service attacks to our attention. @p{brk}