# Gavin Andresen # 2012-06-18 13:41:34 # https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=88325.msg971679#msg971679 I gathered data on transaction first-confirmation times this weekend: @p{par} @s{(link)} @p{par} Each line in the file (except the first one) represents one transaction. Each column is: @p{par} Number of seconds the transaction spent in the memory pool. @p{par} Size, in bytes, of the transaction. @p{par} Fees attached to the transaction (in satoshis). @p{par} Priority (floating-point number) of the transaction when it first entered the memory pool. Priority 0.0 transactions have inputs that aren't yet confirmed. @p{par} Last column is "1" if the transaction exited the memory pool normally, by being included in the a block, or "0" if the transaction was still in the memory pool when I shut down bitcoind. @p{par} @p{@p{--}-}@p{@p{--}-}@p{@p{--}-}@p{@p{--}-}@p{--} @p{par} I haven't really analyzed it yet (feel free to help if you're a data geek); I plan on testing some algorithms for suggesting a reasonable fee if you want your transaction to get confirmed quickly, and suggesting an estimate of how long you'll have to wait if you don't attach any fee at all. @p{par} But it look like 35% of transactions this past weekend got into a block within 10 minutes, and 87% got into a block within one hour. @p{brk}