# Gavin Andresen # 2012-06-26 01:22:36 # https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=89728.msg990457#msg990457 Rereading my original post, I should make clear: the people I really have issues with are the people who think it is more fun to try to destroy something than to help build it. My comment about "I wish people would find more constructive things to do with their time" was not meant to be aimed not at AlternaCoin creators. @p{par} I agree that there are some benefits to the alternate chains existing; I just wonder if the costs of all the duplicate infrastructure (exchanges and pools and faucets and...) is worth the benefits. @p{par} RE: privately disclosing exploits to AlternaCoin developers: well, to be frank, I have no idea if most AlternaCoin developers can be trusted with sensitive exploit information or even who is currently supporting which chain. The danger would be somebody emailing me claiming to be the lead developer for FooCoin, I tell them about the vulnerability, and then they turn out to NOT be the lead FooCoin developer but an attacker. Or I tell FooCoin about the vulnerability and they decide to use it to launch an attack on their arch-enemy, BarCoin. @p{par} It is all drama and heartburn that I'd really rather not have (again, costs and benefits....)